France and Channel Hopping Discussion

Discussions regarding holidays and channel hopping in France.
8 Posts
It's been a funny old Spring, at least in Eastern France from very hot (too early) to very cold (just yesterday!). I would suggest that you enter 'Blois' and 'France' in Weather Underground's site (INVALID URL or try http://www.meteofrance. fr ... which ought to be reliable but isn't always! Sorry I can't be more accurate, but hope you have a great holiday whatever the weather!
a third one to try is they have a Nokia/Iphone app too and so far they have been far more accurate than Wunderground who I used to swear by
who I used to swear by

Tut tut Gray! You don't seem to be that sort of a fella!! ;)
Chat when I get back from Cyprus which on Accuweather is reading as 31-35 degrees but it feels like 40-47 degrees and at night it is down as cold as 28 degrees and no rain (the BBC weather say it's going to rain ???? is Michael Fish forecasting again)
Thanks for that website Gray, it is much better than Meteo which can be very temperamental!!!
Hope Cyprus was good, better weather there than here in Mirambeau anyway!

Returned back from the loire yesterday. Weather there was glorious. One day it was 34 degrees @ 10.45 in the morning, but was able to walk around without feeling uncomfortable. Hope it carries on like that for others travelling
Hmm Great websites Gray. These sites will be very useful for the travel in that area.
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