Hi everyone, found this webcam recently, it's on top of the Marina Hotel in Sliema looking towards Valletta http://www.themarinahotelsliema.com/marina.htm
Caw caw
Nice to see that they've got the Marina webcam up and running again. It was there last August but after my holiday it seemed to stop working.

I reckon because of its position, if the Fortina Hotel had a webcam pointing at Valletta, the results would be spectacular - so come on Fortina management (eg. Mr Cliff Agious), install a webcam & show your prospective guests (and past ones!), the cracking view from your hotel!
Hi Trev, it's always nice to see Malta on the webcams although it does always make me feel a bit homesick for Malta, anyway if all goes to plan we will be back in a few weeks and as always we are really looking forward to it, have you got any plans to go over there this year ?.
If we can manage it we are at the moment considering going during August for a fortnight. As you know it's mega hot then, the sea's nice and warm and there are some brilliant Festas taking place so it tends to be when we like to be there. Also at the moment we have to go during school hols because of our 15 year old son but soon we'll be free to go at other times like you and Mrs Sliema2 when I guess it'll be cheaper and a new experience visiting at different probably quieter, times of the year!
Can't wait,

Please can you try and stay on-topic (webcams)?

What a good idea! Will consider doing just that. Anyone else like Lorna who wants to take part in this experiment, let's know which camera you'll be on and the date and time (bearing in mind the time difference between Malta and the UK). Probably best if you post while you're in Malta so that you are sure you'll be there!!

Pippy am I on topic now?????

Hi Trev, much to the amusement of some friends we did just that in Italy last year and it did work, so if I remember I will post from Malta in early June and I will do my very best to do it.
Pippy am I on topic now?????
Sorry Trev, just trying to keep it running smoothly, it's what we big, bad mods are employed (as volunteers of course!) to do.

does the webcam on Gozo work for everyone else? or is it just me
Yes I do appreciate that as a moderator you need to keep things running smoothly but some of us go back a long way and we do tend to make comments that quite rightly are the concern of PMs. However, this is a brill site that has benefited so many that I can only offer my apologies for my diversion,

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