try cape verde??
Why not tavel more in India? Internal flights are very reasonable and the trains as well as being cheap are great fun!
yes thanks, we have done North and the South of India but we have my 15year old daughter on this visit and going back to traveling on trains which as a couple we adore just isnt an option this time.
Stick with Goa, like many of us are.Have not been to Sri lanka ,but for us Thialand twice and didnt measure up to Goa
Thailand is fantastic, Cambodia is even better, there is a big world out there, we visit the Far East a lot and multi centres are great , mixing cities with beach makes for a great holiday, if you just want a beachy holiday a bit more like goa, Ko Samui would be good.
Agree with the last report, been to Thailand several times, it's just as good as Goa, but different. A lot of people sem to take the view that nowhere compares to Goa. I'm afraid if the downward spiral we've seen this past season continues, more and more people will move on, and find out to their surprise, that it's a big wide world out there, and there is an alternative to Goa. Alan
As already pointed out its a big world out there, we have visited Thailand and didnt like it but thats our opinion where as Vietnam and Bali are both great countries to visit and cheaper than Goa, so much so that we are returning to Bali in September and would return to Vietnam at a moments notice. We have also booked Sri Lanka for christmas and new year. although we have heard mixed reports its a country we have always wanted to visit and the info given by HT members is so valuable. Cape Verde we found to be very expensive to get to and nothing much in the way of bar/cafe's etc although I believe the AI are very good.
We have been visiting Goa for the last 8year (every year) and already talking of returning winter 2009 we still enjoy Goa but it has lost some of its magic
Jules & Tez
As we live in the North West any flight to the far east involves a mid-east hub.Really do not enjoy that anymore.
One of the big pulls for Goa is the direct non stop flights now from Manchester.
Also since we had a Business class upgrade last year on our return from Thailand I am really not sure I can go back to economy.My bank balance however assures me I can.
hi Papa I know what you mean, Goa is just so easy to get to with a direct flight, I really wish we could get to Thailand direct from the North west , it would be so much easier.
Hi papa,
In the past few years I have flown with Mytravel,Thomson and First Choice.They all use Boeing 767s which can do the flight non stop.
First Choice being my preference.
By the way just been looking at various prices for next year and yes they do seem to be rather high.
What we need is an Industry insider to give us all the low down.

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