What sort of wage does a barman, maid, waiter etc earn?
DH and I were just discussing what sort of difference say a £10 tip makes to them?
C xxx
Hi scottishmum did a wee bit routing around and came up with this link below ,that was for the minimum wage in 2007 ,dont know what it is now or if it has changed .A tenner would certainly be a lot of money to them based on this wage .
10 pound would be a large tip and would usually be spread on a points system around the staff.
Nice to see Turkey has a minimum wage now though, whether or not is enforced is another topic all together I suppose!
The minimum wage is not always enforced. Some restaurants who have not done well in a season may fail to pay their staff at all. I earn nearly 10 times more than someone doing the same job as me in Turkey. So what may well seem very cheap for us while on holiday is actually very expensive to them.
Most staff are on commision and do not get a basic wage.............. so tips tend to be appreciated. Is the £10 for a week?
£10 tip would be alot for the maid if she got that after 2 weeks of cleaning your room - think she would love u forever, we tend to give our tips directly to the waiters that we liked the most at the end of the holiday
No definitely £10 for the two weeks. I normally give them it in the first few days though and tend to find you get well looked after. We then leave all our toiletries etc for the maid plus any loose coins we have if they've looked after us well.
The problem with giving at the begining is that you could be giving to someone who may then not do your room for the majority of the holiday. As we have had changes in maids sometimes if we have been away for a fortnight.
Ukraine 58.8
Bulgaria 92.3
Serbia 96.4
Romania 115.1
Latvia 170.8
Lithuania 173.8
Slovakia 205.2
Estonia 230.1
Poland 233
Hungary 240.1
Croatia 282.2
Czech Replublic 284.4
TURKEY 302.6
Slovenia 521.8
It seems that while Turkey falls a long way short of Western European wages, it fairs a lot better comparing it to Eastern Europe.
The question is; are Turkish wages really that bad and is it relative to the cost in Turkey. If it is relative then how can Turkey justify its costs in resorts that are frequented by Western Europeans. Ie Who really benefits from the extortionate prices?
Thats true doe, although I usually wait a few days to see if its been the same maid. Will play it by ear this time I think.
they have a grading System of 1-10 depending on your ability to do the job and the contribution you make to the entertainment.
A good quality chef can command a high wage
A lot of the waiters do not get a share of the tips,do to leaving etc and at the end of the season it has been known for the owners of the bar/restaurent not to pay the staff if they have had a bad season.
I went on holiday to Turkey. It is really hard to understand how people can live on minimum wage in Turkey. The minimum wage in Turkey is 5500 Turkish lira in 2022. Almost only $270.On 26th June 2008 at 10:44am, redrhino12 said:
The waiters in the resort of Icmeler are getting no were near the minimum rate.
they have a grading System of 1-10 depending on your ability to do the job and the contribution you make to the entertainment.
A good quality chef can command a high wage
A lot of the waiters do not get a share of the tips,do to leaving etc and at the end of the season it has been known for the owners of the bar/restaurent not to pay the staff if they have had a bad season.
On 24th June 2008 at 09:53pm, Scottishmum said:
What sort of wage does a barman, maid, waiter etc earn?
DH and I were just discussing what sort of difference say a £10 tip makes to them?
C xxx
Average wages hover around 10.000 TL monthly, with most workers taking home 7.825 TL (453 USD) net. The top sectors include information and communications (100.467 TL) and Finance and Insurance (95.314 TL). How to look for a job in Turkey? did you want to go to turkey to get a job click on the turkey tour packages from pakistan and go for tour to stay for job

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