well, I'll be at work till about 8 o'clock the night before, so will have done my packing day before, so when I get home, I'll shower, de-fuzz, re-check the suitcases, put passports and whatever's going in my habd luggage out on the kitchen table, make sure my 7yr old is in bed early and actually asleep ! then up at 4.30am, cup of tea, put bin out, freeze some milk in ice cube trays ( cracking idea ! ) get fin up and dressed, hubby will put the cases in the car and I'll put everything on the kitchen table in my rucksack, me and hubby will have an argument over somat trivial, then away we go ! woooohoooo ! 8 weeks and counting !

So long as I've got tickets, money, passport (which are placed in hand luggage bag a couple of days before - having of course checked passport some months previously to check for inadvertently expiring) then nothing else I forget is going to be such a big deal.
However, I leave early on a Monday and so will pack on the Sunday, clean the house then drink wine in the evening. What I'm wearing to travel in will be laid out ready to get up and go.
A couple of years back again I was flying on the Monday, leaving in the afternoon. On the Sunday went to the Races with some friends, got ridiculously drunk, stayed at hers all night and packed in a hungover stupour on the Monday morning. Another time I packed up for leaving mid late afternoon but as it was carnival day in my local town I went down with a friend of mine to meet friends and have a few drinks, so was all packed up ready to get home just before taxi arrived. I nearly messed it all up as I ended up getting a later bus than planned and then got stuck behind the bleddy carnival procession.

I'm a bit more sensible these days.
Go shopping and buy food for my house/dog sitter.
Wax my legs.
Gig with my band.
Have a sleepless night due to excitement and fear of flying.

I take the dog to her *Nan*, deliver the bird to my friend, nip the supermarket for any last minute things.
Come home, nag the kids and husband whilst cleaning like a mad woman (which really winds my husband up-
he says I am cleaning for any would-be burglars!)
Have a shower then go and get my nails and hair done.
Last thing I do is pack.
And I rarely go to bed the night before - I'm either too busy packing or too excited to sleep.

Then everyone except me will go to bed. There's no point me going cos I just get annoyed when I can't sleep through excitement.
This year we will be staying in Bristol the night before we fly. We will probably leave home mid morning and stop for a light lunch on the way. In the evening we will probably go out for a meal and a couple of drinks- not too many, as we have an early flight.
Finish off washing - done
Pack - done
Tomorrow - load up the car and go to the ferry terminal & we're away.
Now where did HE put the travel documents???
Have a safe journey and a wonderful holiday Patka
take suitcases to bf's parents house (taxi picking us up from there) weigh the cases whilst were ther and panic if its too heavy!!
take the dog to the kennels
say bye to my nephews (they cry when we leave)
get flying clothes out
pack handluggage
check documents
have a bath and a big glass of wine
have a sleepless night because im too excited

this year iam getting my hair cut , eyebrows waxed, nails french manicure
usually exfoilate and remove hair from legs, underarms and binkini area.
night before boyfriend come to collect me so im fully showered and ready with tickets passport money etc..
i love the days leading up to it

I'm flying out on Monday so i'll be packing throughout the weekend. I havent even sorted out what I'm taking so it'll be a case of 'mum......where's that so and so...?!?!?' Hahaha! Then everything im taking in hand luggage gets thrown in a pile on my bed! Being picked up at 6am Monday morning so i suppose i should have a shower and wash my hair the night before! Then all the way to the airport and even on the plane im sitting there wondering what ive forgotten waiting for it to dawn that its something major! I do check i have my passport and tickets though about every 20 minutes!
I'll just be packing and rechecking the tickets, money, passport over and over again.
i'm usually off the day before. my packing is done at least a week ahead so its just a relaxing day. less to worry about this year as i wont have to chase around picking up after my husband has decided that he needs something out of the case. going solo this year so travelling light.
I never pack further than a day ahead because I would probably unpack again to check that something necessary hadn't been missed out and because your clothes will be very creased.
This year I'm hoping the day before will be a very relaxed affair, since I have 5 days off before we go. To say I can enjoy the packing sounds strange, but I can do just that because there will be no rush. Hopefully then, the day before I can clean the house as I love to have it 'just so' for coming home, with no-one there to mess it all up again, for once I can reap the benefits. It would then be nice to go out for a meal, before taking the dog to my in- laws. We won't need to leave home on the day until lunchtime so it will all be very leisurely.
We normally do weekend either early morning(Cyprus) or early afternoon(Mallorca) flights which means the last day is spent finishing packing, shopping for the odd thing we forgot, visiting mum, takeaway then early bed. This year though its a midweek night flight to Kenya so I'm hoping to still treat the day before as we would if it was an early morning flight. We can always spend the time waiting for the taxi on the wii which is one thing I won't be packing!
we pack the day before, I'll probably set up a few things to record on v+, sort out cameras and camcorders!
this year I finish work at 4pm on the friday. Go and get my eyebrows waxed! Go home, make sure everything is packed, call my boyfriend do a checklist with him! He'll stay at mine or i'll stay at his - have a few drinks at the pub and then try and sleep!!

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