Me and DH each carry a backpack - we split between the two - DVD player, DVD's in one of those zipped holder thingies, camcorder, digital camera, Ipod, wetwipes, a couple of small tubs of Pringles, sunglasses, sweets for take-off/landing, little bag containing travellers cheques, currency, passports, tickets, insurance, EHIC's etc goes in one of the backpacks too.
We're allowed 10kg of hand luggage this year instead of the usual 5kg (as wel as 20kg hold luggage) so will find stuff to stick in them from the suitcase I'm sure. I might stick some undies/T-shrts/shorts for the kids in 'just in case'
The kids all have backpacks with sweets, books, Pringles, crayons, DS's, games and their fave stuffed toy for bedtimes - shame I can't fill theirs as well with our stuff but poor mites wouldn't be able to carry 10kg I don't think