when packing what is the first thing in the suitcase.
I always put towels on the bottom followed by clothes , shoes in the middle ,
more clothes and toiletries at the sides in carrier bags in case of spillages
I always put toiletries in carrier bags too - the last thing you want is to open your case and find your shampoo has leaked all over your clothes and things like underwear and bikinis i usually fill in the gaps around the edges of the cases with those.
We also do the thing of mixing up all the clothes between the suitcases then if one gets lost then we all have some clothes rather than just one person not having anything! I also pack a black bin bag to put dirty clothes in while away.

Going to be putting shoes in hand luggage this time though to try and keep the weight of the cases down, that way I can fill them up with new clothes from New York

I put flip flops and sandals in the bottom followed by towels and toiletries/suncreams etc. I normally put the creams in little freezer bags and pack them along with the toiletries in a small shoebox for protection. I split hubby's clothes and mine between 2 cases but make sure I pack our clothes as sets e.g. If I'm going to wear a certain skirt with a certain top I'll put them in the same case. I'll also make sure I've got some underwear and bikinis in both cases. I usually leave anything that creases easily and put them on the top.
I unfold my beach towel and put the middle in the case. Then I pack my clothes in the towel and when done fold top and bottom ends of towel around the clothes as this keeps them protected and also 'together'. I put the medicine bag, toiletry bag, tongs etc and shoes around the outside of my 'towel bundle' to stop it sliding to one end.
I like to put shoes at the bottom and then try to pack around them. My OH ususally takes them out and starts again! I always seem to have lots of bits hanging around with no where specific to put them. Like plug adaptors and mobile phone chargers etc. We also take cig papers and tips as OH rolls his own and we have found them expensive to buy in tabacs in Benidorm.
I put those 'bits' in either my toiletry or medicine bags.
Llindy wrote:when packing what is the first thing in the suitcase.
I always put towels on the bottom followed by clothes , shoes in the middle ,
more clothes and toiletries at the sides in carrier bags in case of spillages

Put beach towel in first, place the shoes around the edges and put shampoo, soap etc inside the shoes, always put liquids in plastic bags, just in case of leaks. Swimwear next then heavier clothes like trousers and lightest last. I fill any gaps with underwear ...and of course I have to take some hangers, just in case there are not enough in the apartment.
I then roll my clothes, doing for example 3 t shirts together then skirts as I find this is my non iron tip! There is no way I am going on holiday to then end up having to iron stuff!
As I pack I leave a bit of a dip in the middle so I can put my toiletries bag in the dip. Like others have said any suncream or the like I put in a plastic bag to save spillages then use this bag for any dirty laundry too.
Finally I put my towel on top and tuck the ends in like a blanket which holds everything in place before I clip the elastic holders in place.
Now despite having a packing plan I still hate it and leave it until the last minute!!!! Why....I have no idea but must enjoy the last minute stress!!
squirrel, mine is virtually identical packing policy to yours!
First goes in the jacket and trousers but they are left overhanging the case. I then put in a couple of layers of clothes followed by the 'breakables' in plastic resealable bags. I then layer other clothes. Finally I wrap over the jacket and trousers. This way I find the jacket and trousers dont become creased and the breakables are cushioned in the centre of the case (and the clothes protected in case of leakage).
Always mix up the cases so we've all got some stuff if one case goes missing, but make sure all our outfits in each case are colour-co-ordinated, so we've got a few matching outfits!
i am committed to packing for the two of us for the 1st time as my o.h. is otherwise engaged away from home at present!!
never done this alone b4, hope i get it right, but your comments in this post have given me good guidance...
thanx all, and roll on spain come friday..

I hope OH has left you a list??
Towels first, towels last
Always Towels first for me!
I always put a plastic bin liner in first then one in after all the clothes have been packed.Why may you ask?It saves all your clothes getting wet if your case has the misfortune to be the one on the top of the pile in the pouring rain when waiting to be loaded onto the aircraft.
Towels at the bottom. Underwear in the pockets in the lid. I've also strted packing shoes in the hand luggage to keep the weight down. I used to pack all my toiletries and creams in the hand lugagge.
I normally put towels in the bottom. Although most hotel provide beach towels, I always take my own. Then I put in some clothes and then shoes. I make sure most of my toilet items are in small plastic bags incase of any spillages.

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