It depends on what type of holiday we are on.
if we are on dive boot camp, breakfast will usually be about 8am which is after the first dive of the day...but it is dependant on the tides. Sometimes it is earlier, sometimes it is later but not by much. We are on a boat out at sea, so food arrives at whatever time the crew have it ready. We will have been up from maybe 5 or 6am..dived for an hour or so and then had a coffee. before we dive, we are usually given a peice of cake or something with our wake up coffee as it is not usually ok to dive when your body is low on sugar or food etc. Generally, I struggle to stomach anything at that time of morning so have to force myself to eat half a slice as I know I will suffer if I dont.
If we are on a land based holiday...we are usually up and about early doors unless we have been drinking the night which case it will be nearer 9am...or if it was major and I have a monster hangover, I miss it totally!!...but I have only ever done that once in umpteen years of holidaying...