I always seem to go away with tonnes of stuff! I tried to buy it on the departures side of the airport as it weighs so much, but maybe I need to cull a few things from my list.
What do you guys take? Here's my list:
Shampoo (hubby is bald so no need of this for him!)
Conditioner (ditto!)
Shower gel (I make my husband share mine!)
Toothpaste & brushes
Mosquito plug in
Mosquito repellant
Mosquito wipes
Mosquito clicky electric shock thing (can you see a trend?)
Bite cream
Make up
Sun cream (usually at least two different SPF factors)
After sun
Rehydrytion powders
I used to take a list like that but since I've started going to Goa all I take is suntan lotion and aftersun everything else I buy once there usually a lot cheaper. I travel a lot for work and have a collection of hotel toiletries and stick a shampoo conditioner and showergel in to use as soon as I get there.
attract mosquitos, if you don't wear them you'll then need less of some of the other stuff!
Get Boots aftersun moisturiser with built in mozzie repellant, two in one job there!
For shampoo, conditioner & shower gel make sure you have small sizes, or save any small containers to put only the amount needed in & throw away at the end.
Ditch the perfume & aftershave, they Get Boots aftersun moisturiser with built in mozzie repellant, two in one job there!
For shampoo, conditioner & shower gel make sure you have small sizes, or save any small containers to put only the amount needed in & throw away at the end.
I take your point about the perfume and aftershave and aftersun though. I feel naked without perfume, but I think I will have to give it up on hols

The same as you haymans plus, a few plasters, hair styling lotion and wax, tan maximiser and disposable razors.
Just be grateful hubby hasn't got waist length hair too! I think you have his share!
I feel like I am a walking chemist shop when I go away, put things in my lugggage "just in case", I even split the medicines up so I have some in my hand luggage and some in my case, anybody would think I holidayed in Outer Mongolia!!

I am a better with toiletries, never use perfume because of mozzies, take small bottles of shampoo etc or decant into smaller bottles depending how long I am on holiday.
OMG what's a tan maximiser?
Same as you Haymans - plus plasters, zovirax, strepsils and probably more
1 of shampoo , shower gel , bar soap, deodorant , toothpaste, avon skin so soft , aftersun , i take 3 or 4 suncreams and then buy more in resort if needs be , plug in , i dont take make up only a couple of lip glosses , i took a body spray this year but think the cleaner used it as it only lasted about 4 days (haha ), i did take 2 perfumes the handbag size from next put them in the clear plastic bag as hand luggage, i only take prescribed medicines with us . I share the bulk of toiletries between the two suitcases
shower gel
strepsils (sp?)
pacentmels (I can never spell it)
anti-dirreheau tablets (I so need to learn how to spell medicines)
travel sickness tablets
deoderant, anti-persiphant and perfume
Thinks that all I took last time (bad memory and I only got home early Sunday lol)
(edited to add more)
Edited by
2010-10-24 21:27:36
I don't take perfume either, not only does it attract mozzies but it evaporates so quick in the heat that you can't smell it after a while anyway. In Turkey I use lemon cologne instead.
Deodorant body spray, hair styling x 2 (wax/creme), shampoo, shower gel, toothpaste & brush, moisturiser, face soap, razor, shave gel, aftershave, sun lotions (F10 & F6), oils (F4 & F2), body butter, plasters, antihistamines, beechams resolve, nurofen, condoms, anthisan, bite stick, plug in repellent, spray on repellent, savlon, calamine & glycerine cream.....might be more??
I take mini sizes of basic toiletries and buy more on holiday if I run out. Never take perfume but do take antibiotics and imodium.
All the usual- 2 in 1 shampoo, hairspray, golden locks spritz, wax, deodorant, perfume, shower gel, toothpaste, sun lotion, after sun lotion, bug spray, bite spray, immodium, paracetamol, plasters, rehydration salts, gaviscon, lip balm.
When my son was young and used to take him on holiday the list was endless, had plenty of 'just in case' items - now it's just me, have the dry oil, which i prefer as its not oily on the skin and does not mark clothing items, body lotion insect wristbands (otherwise I get eaten) ibuprofen and plasters (and my own medication which goes in hand luggage) - nothing like it used to be thankgoodness - but when children are small you always just to have your 'just in case' things don't you.
Shower cream
2in1 shampoo
Skin serum
Day Moisturiser
Night cream
Eye cream
Talcum powder
Toothpast and brush
Cleansing wipes
Suncream (SPFs 35 & 15)
Aftersun (both face and body!)
Sanitising hand gel
Paper tissues
Insect repellant
Plus basic make-up kit of eyeshadow, kohl pencil, mascara, lippy and translucent face powder.
First Aid Kit
Antiseptic wipes and cream
Antihistamine pills and cream
Blister Plasters
Colloidal dressings
Melolin non-stick dressings
Burn dressings
Film dressings
Dressing tape
Tubigrip bandage
Tubular jersey bandage
Triangular bandage
Rehydration salts
Cystitis treatment
Cold remedies (eg Beechams or Lemsip)
Plus 3 different lots of prescription medication.
And, yes, at some point I've needed to use every item in the first aid kit - even in the Canaries on one notable trip where I tripped with a kettle full of water in my hand and both my parents fell over whilst we were out walking and where in need of having bad grazes dressed! I must be particularly accident prone and have an accident prone family! The contents have grown as each eventuality has materialised!
SMa - on my goodness that list probably was similar to mine when my son was young
but when children are small you always just to have your 'just in case' things don't you.
and as I'm now realising, Miss Pink, you also need an awful lot of 'just in case' things when travelling with the elderly too

Seriously though, you can't take anything for granted in Cuba and one of the best presents I can leave my hosts is the bulk of the contents of the first aid kit! For some reason, last summer there was a real shortage of cold and flu remedy stuff around and big hints were dropped before I left home that these would be very welcome as a gift to take out with me. Along with the usual bottle of Scotch too of course

SMa said

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