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Can be ignored for those that are not into RSS feeds.

For those that are, it creates a shortcut to the Google RSS reader if you use it :wink:

Mark :D
Google do an excellent homepage service....You can add any rss feed to the gogle homepage allowing you to see all the latest news from your favourite websites without visiting the actual site.

You can add all your favourites and have everything on one page.

Anyone looking for a good homepage can create a free google page at


Van :wave
Example of google feed reader:

As you can see from the above items I am subscribe to the africa forum, the Algarve forum and the BBC local news page. You can subscribe to see all the latest info from all your favourite sites that support RSS feeds...


Thanks for the info Van 8) looks a bit complex for an old doderer like me :? andI do still like to come and browse the whole site 8)
I second that emotion.
Holiday Truths Forum

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