I think if you're planning on moving to Turkey you need to ask yourself why you're doing it: are you going because you think Turkey will offer you more opportunities to better your life (like Australia for example); are you going because you have family already out there; or have you just fallen in love with the country whilst being on holiday out there?
Some people want to move abroad simply to 'escape' the UK - and that can cloud your judgment.
You really need to do lots and lots (and more lots) of research!
I know we all have our dreams, but when making a huge decision such as emigrating, you really need to take off any rose-coloured glasses you may be wearing and weigh up all the pro's and con's.
Some of the things you'll need to consider are:
How will you survive out there? What work will you do? You'll need to get a work permit (which isn't always easy). The wages are very poor out there, and unless you have a particular profession or trade, the Turks will always give work to a fellow Turk rather than a foreigner.
You'll also need to speak
some Turkish: you'll be dealing with officials re: Resident Permits, Turkish Telcom etc.....and many of those people working in that sector speak no English at all.
If you have school-age children you'll need to get them into a school - which isn't cheap.
You'll need to take out private Medical Insurance for your family - that doesn't come cheap either. And don't forget, once you've been out of the UK for longer than six months you are no longer entitled to treatment on the NHS (if you were to return to the UK of course); and as you would no longer be contributing towards your State Pension - you will receive a much smaller amount once you reach retirement age.
It's a misnomer that Turkey is cheaper than the UK; some things are, but many things aren't.
Cars are ridiculously expensive (incidentally, forget about taking your own car over - they will charge you so much Import Tax it won't be worth your while: that also applies to taking all your household stuff out there - they'll Tax you on much of that too!)
Petrol is expensive; dearer than the UK. And household bills - electric/water etc are very expensive too.
The winters can be very cold and rainy, and many homes are difficult to heat. Not to mention expensive! You can buy some of those portable gas heaters, and a guy will come round and replace the gas cylinder for you, but they don't last long at all, and they're not cheap!! So heating in the winter is a problem if you are used to Central Heating in the UK.
You'll also need an independant water heater for the winter; as there's less sunshine, you won't be getting much hot water from your roof.
Electricity blackouts can be a
huge nuisance - especially in the winter! It means lighting candles, and sitting shivering; anything up to six hours maybe! However, the blackouts don't affect every area all at the same time, and some of the blackouts only last for ten minutes or so: usually when you're watching Eastenders on BBC Prime (you can't get BBC1 or ITV in Turkey - so you can forget watching your favourite TV programmes).
If you move to a resort, most of them close down for the winter, and so you'll need to fill your time. Turkey doesn't have the vast shopping malls like we have (although Antalya has a very pleasant one - if not on the small side - and pricey side too), and it doesn't have all the theatres, museums, cafes, leisure centres, ice rinks, bowling alleys (although there's a small one in Oludeniz) general places you can go for entertainment.
You'll also find that the food and drink becomes awfully boring after a while. They don't have the huge array of choice that we have; and you can forget popping down to your local M&S for a tasty ready-made meal. Things even like cheddar cheese, pork sausages, good bacon, become items of fantasy for many ex-pats. Stuff like HP Sauce and ColEman's Mustard are weirdly expensive!
Imported drink is terribly expensive too - but you possible know that by your holidays.
Travelling abroad when in Turkey is also far more difficult. They don't have the likes of Easy Jet going to Paris, Rome, Madrid for £39!
If you sell up and move to Turkey you need to be aware that buying back into the UK market will be near impossible. Although the UK is going through a slight slump at the moment it will always pick up and take off again (demand outweighs supply) but in Turkey, the opposite is true. And many people can't sell their place out there for love nor money. So you could end up well and truly stuck in a place you no longer want - and that you can't sell!
Having said all that, I can see the attraction of Turkey for many people; the sunshine, the beaches, the scenery, the slow pace of life - but I'm not sure they outweigh the downsides. Especially when it's so hot you have to stay inside!
If you are still convinced that Turkey is for you, go there and rent somewhere for the winter and see how you get on. Better still, rent somewhere for a year. That way you won't have burnt your bridges if you decide the UK isn't so bad after all.