I really want to take the family to florida this year but need your advice to help make it a fantastic Time.
We have never been, so wondered if you could help us with our planning, although i think i may book the holiday without them knowing.
First when should we look to go. Being a family of 5 i would have to try to spread the cost of the holiday so that we would be able to take in as many trips as poss so when is the best time of year to go. Im guessing the summer is too hot for standing around in long queues. What do you think...?
Second thing is Where? Im not sure if i should book a disney hotel, local hotel or maybe a villa. I like the look of Disney's Animal Kindom lodge but someone told me it is a waste of hard earned money as there are not that many animals there. Has anyone stayed there, what did you think. Or should i look at staying at a good local (to the parks) hotel. Any tips to good ones please. Or for peace after a busy day at the parks should we relax at a private Villa.
How do we get there. I notice in todays paper travel city are plugging a deal, are they a good firm to go with. Who do you use, are they resonable.
Lastly i have a 5 year old daughter. I really want to take her out there this year so she still believes in the magic, although saying that do you ever lose that magic feeling!! The only concern i have is the long flight. What age would you say is bes for the first trip there.
last lastly, i also want to do a swimming with dolphins trip, how do i go about that!!
So now i have probably bored you all, i cant wait to get there. Now im not sure who is going to be more excited our 5 year old or me.

Thanks people, i look forward to reading your replies.