Hi ,
We are looking to go to Goa for the first time next year and was wondering if anyone could recomend a resort . There will be myself husband and our daughters ages 12 and 14. We are looking to relax near a beach but with something to keep the girls entertained! Also when is the best time to visit. We were thinking around Feb/ March.
Thanks in advance .
We always stay in Candolim but you will be fine in any of the resorts in the North as they are all close to each other and taxis are really cheap. We find Calengute a bit too busy for us to stay in, but others love it so it depends what you prefer. Im not sure about South Goa but you'll find loads of info on this site which should help you make your mind up. Feb/March is a great time to go and we wish we could go at this time but we are restricted to school hols, so it depends when Easter falls for us. Whatever you decide im sure you'll love it!!
I would be hard pressed to say that there is a lot for young girls to do , apart from the beach, pool etc.
Maybe someone who has taken youngsters could advise better,
As there is a stark contrast between the north and south of Goa, may I suggest you list what you feel is important to have a great holiday and search through previous postings.
we went to Goa in January and stayed at the Phoenix Park Inn Hotel in Candolim. It was great - clean, friendly etc. Of all the people we met out there, I think we chose the best accommodation as some of it can be very basic. Candolim is a nice place to stay and not as bust as Calungute.
Have a good trip!!

welcome to HT Maryann!

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