Right i'm of to highland beach candolim 26th jan.
and i've started to write things down tha ti need to take with me.
what i want to know now.
is what or where are the best places for me to visit.
best way to get there etc.
much thanks
Looks like you will be staying in all holiday

Only Joking!!!!!
The good news is i heve been up to the HBR and sorted a good room out for you, I hope it is a good one, and up to your very high standards.
As for places to go, at the end of the HBR road where it meets the main road is Foxy's staek house if you want a change from Indian food and you also have Fishermans cove, Mango Grove, then down the beach road you have numerous places, Inferno, Teama bar, Alexanders etc, etc.
For a real good steak, get a cab to take you to Souymen's kitchen or After seven or try the Bistro or the Mermaid Taxi to Soutmens will be about 100 Rupees and no more. If you wish to venture out of town there is always Where East Meets West at Baga round trip about 300 to 400 and taxi will wait there for you, really nice setting. there is always Nerul Village which will cost you 50 Rupees from HBR, try the Riverside bar Great cheap food, or Bhatti bar, if you want seafood try Amigo's around 6pm when the sun is going down. You will go a long way to find a bad meal.
As for beach shacks take your pick they are all very good, one i use most if i want to eat in the day is Monica's just past the shipwreck, she makes thick chips and lovely butter chicken. Taxi from HBR will cost about 50 Rupees but once you know where it is you will probably JOG there MMM!!.
Dudgaskar waterfalls is a nice daytime trip and you get to feed the monkeys from your hand, but get the taxi to take you, do not book anything with your holiday company, far to expensive and your taxi driver will have more local knowledge.
If you e-mail me i will give you my taxi driver's number and he will charge you the same rate as he charges me and he works out of the HBR.
thanks a lot for doing that for us mike.
I've brought back the trips thread as a temporary sticky for you
thanks a lot for doing that for us mike.
so has nobody any ideas as to where we could visit whilst i'm in candolim
A trip to the spice plantations and temples is quite good, get a local taxi.
Also a trip to the Aguada fort is quiet interesting.
Old Goa, selection of old churhes, very impressive.
Panjim and Mapsua makes for an interesting day.
Palolelm for an overnight stay is worth doing also, stay in one of the beach huts, any taxi driver will be able to take you.
For all trips, avoid the tour rep's , they're overpriced, use the taxis instead.
Some on here have recommended a boat trip up the river fishing, can't remember the details, but sounds good
thanks for those, i'll do some research now
Old Goa, selection of old churhes, very impressive.
Quite a bit more than a selection of old churches.
Bom Jesus contains the mummified remains of St Francis Xavier, and the Se Cathedral has the largest bell in in Asia.

Panaji has some great eating places - try Hotel Venite in 31 January Street, or the Horseshoe Cafe, both in Fontanas district, for lunch.
Use the taxis by all means - but you should tell them, where you want to go, otherwise - you'll end up at their cousin's place.

Bom Jesus contains the mummified remains of St Francis Xavier, and the Se Cathedral has the largest bell in in Asia.
I thought I'd let him find some of it out for himself!

wickedchris is female Martin
Bom Jesus contains the mummified remains of St Francis Xavier, and the Se Cathedral has the largest bell in in Asia.
I thought I'd let him find some of it out for himself!

thanks mate
One thing you should take to Highland Beach Resort is a padlock from home for your safety deposit box. When we stayed there they advised you to buy one from "up the road". So off we trotted up the road and bought a nice new padlock... the same as many others.. all with the same key.. can you see where this is going?
Although we were ok I did hear that other people before us had lost things from their safety boxes because of this, our holiday rep warned us when he found out.
I also would like your taxi drivers details,as we will be there,HBH,- next week.Do you live in Goa?We retire in 2 years and would love to spend 6 months of the year there and teach. Regards Linda

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