I do like to do loads of research (helped out by sis) and usually end up where I choose (sis also gets a look in if she's coming). I normally decide which country, resort and accommodation. I'm also told by my friends that I normally "lead the way" in discussions on what we're going to do and at what time we go, whilst on hols. I'm starting to sound very bossy but they all seem to agree with me

Hubby and brother-in-law are starting to disrupt things lately though as they decide amongst themselves to go AWOL on one or two days and sis and me are left to our own devices all day. We have been known to twiddle our thumbs in the hotel early evening waiting for them to come back from their escapades (pub crawl) but have decided now that if you can't beat them, join them

Who decides on your holiday arrangements or is it 50-50