Do readers of this forum think that Goa will recover from this awful season?? Reading the recent reports about the destruction of shacks and the like make me feel sick to the stomach. I absolutely adore the place, the people and would be gutted if the shacks weren't there next year and us tourists were targeted more and more by the police.
Granted I noticed big changes this year - out hotel manager at the Casa Seashell made some sarcastic comments about English tourists not coming back next year which really offended me and we have decided not to stay there next time and a couple of other anti-Brit comments were noted.
That aside I love my Goa-fix and sincerely hope that they get there act together and sort this shambles out.

Ive only paid my £200 deposit so im going to wait until i see waht happens at the start of next season as to cancel or not, we`re meant to go for xmas and new year and have our lunches at claudina`s shack so if its shut Thailand here we come
I know everyone is raving about Thailand but i'm worried that it just won't be "Goa" if you know what I mean. Granted we go to escape the English crap weather but there is something more that pulls us (and everyone else) back and i've never experienced that anywhere else in the world.
We had decided after our December 2007 holiday down south that we would give Goa a miss this year as the holiday wasn't as good as previous ones, but as we have been 9 times, we find we are still drawn to Goa and have started to price up our 2008 holiday.
We experienced some negativity from several of the local businessmen (our favourite shack owner, a couple of restaurant owners and a jeweller) to the point that we decided we didn't want anything more to do with them. They made it clear that they didn't really like us Brits any more as we didn't spend as much money as the newly arrived Russians did. Flipping cheek, we always drank and ate at the one shack and when we ate out, we had drinks and two courses plus left a minimum of 10% tip. We hadn't intended in buying any jewellery this time because we had already been to that hotel that March and didn't really want any more, however, my other half did buy me a ring to say thank you for buying the holiday for him (it was his 50th birthday while we were out there, whence the 2nd holiday).
The food in our favourite shack was diabolical to the point that I developed tummy problems that resulted in my having to see the doctor. I am not the only one who had problems in that place. The bad food coupled with the owners attitude has made us decide that we will not be going there again if we go to the same resort this year.
When we arrived on the 3rd December, the shack had only been up and finished for two days (the same applied to the other shacks). This meant that the previous holidaymakers had to spend most of their time around the pool. That was good for the hotel but not the shack owners as they had lost valuable income.
I know that the shacks coming down now will not have that much affect on the earnings of the shack owners as the season is ending, however, those people who have never been to Goa before and are researching it on forums such as this, may think twice about going there. They may also wonder what sort of Brit goes there judging by some of the comments that have been made recently on here and on another well known forum.
We have also been looking at holidays in Kerala and have decided that we will book our holiday to either Goa or Kerala in October this year, just in case the Indian Government have another surprise this year regarding visas (weren't there whispers that only 3 month visas may be issued?). We have also decided to wait because each time we go onto the F.C. website, the cost of the holiday has increased. One hotel we looked at had its price increased by £100 overnight!
Funny you should mention 3 month visas. Have a look here
but we didn't enjoy the holiday as much as our previous 5 visits. i put it down to the worry of things back home and being so far away. but i can say for the first time we are not counting the hours away till, our next visit. i fear that if things don, t change this year then it will be our last trip to goa. a very sad thought indeed.
i cant see the change coming as to the locals, when i spoke to my friend who has run a very successful bar for many years, he said that the bubble had bust and he couldn't see goa lasting another five years.
heres hoping that the fat cats and the greedy people can see that they are destroying the place before its to late.

One beach shack we always used to use called Sam's Paradise, there prices were way over the top this year, and we noticed that Sam fell over him self to serve the Russians and the Danes, who are there for the two week holiday, the people who like us go for 2 or three months, he didn't want to know, New Years Eve in Sams Paradise there were about 8 British and the rest were Russians who were absolutly P*s*ed, they were even drinking there own Vodka, and just buying the mixers, he didn't care about it. The following day they (The Ruskies) took a crate of there own vodka down on the beach, and asked him for 10 glasses, all they bought was the cokes, yet when we were there he didn't like it when we had put a bottle of water in the freezer the night before, and took it onto the beach with us. (It keeps cold for hours).
As this has been such a bad season for all the shack owners, and the traders, It is obvious that the prices will practically double or even treble next year, to make up for what they have lost this year. We do spend money whilst we are over there, this year we bought jewellery, and furniture, which the Russians and Danes arn't interested in, the jewellers and shop owners, don't like them at all, all they moaned about was that they didn't have any customers, it was only the british that were actually buying, there goods.
The restuarant and shacks owners love them, because all they want to do is eat, drink and make a hell of a lot of noise.

It is a pity as I love Goa, and they people, but I think that it has had its time now, they want a different sort of tourist. The sort of tourist that spends all day and night drinking, and spending money. The long time stayers are not wanted now. We all know roughly how much something is worth, or how much to pay for accomodation, and we argue to get a price that we feel comfortable with. But now the guest houses are charging 1000/1500rps per night for a room, where as last season we were paying 350 rps per night for a one bed apartment. It is getting very, very greedy. I think that they are pricing them selves out of the market.
I don't expect to have a holiday for nothing, but I also dont like to pay over the odds to line someone else's pocket.
A few good points there Tomitma, I was seriously thinking of buying in Goa once then thought again with the stuff about land ownership etc. then I thought about renting long term, then after this years holiday, 3 weeks really opened my eyes to the greed. I first went in 1999 and stayed at the Hilltop in Vagator for 2 months and loved every minute so I went again in 2001 for 3 months to the same place and still loved every minute. I always put my money into the local econmy whenever possible and try to leave a small a footprint as I can on the area but on my return as a package touritst in 2006 I could see the changes, 2007 getting worse and 2008 terrible. I love Goa just like everyone else does and will always have a spot in my heart for the place, maybe one last visit will do for me as I have now changed my horizon for a long stay/purchase to Panama where people are encouraged to invest and welcomed with open arms to help build what looks to be a great Country and less flying time and better aircraft than Goa.
However to experience what we did on Candolim beach with my wife and children on destruction day was totally unacceptable. I hear a lot of mentions of Thailand being an alternative, be under no illusion, there is as much if not more corruption in Thailand HOWEVER it is not played out in front of their paying tourists.
If people in numbers try Thailand Goa will suffer big time, in my opinion it offers everything that Goa does ie low prices, great grub friendliness and fantastic scenery with the addition of pavements and classy hotels.
so I guess its
Good Luck Goa, you're going to need it

I'll get of my soapdish now
Sad Rog

My favourite holiday destination is las americas in tenerife, and by god i've had my gripe with this resort, see my posts in the tenerife forum if you dont' believe me, on the increase in drink and food prices.
But for my virgins 2 pence worth this is mine.
I went to Goa very well prepared, and that is thanks to a lot of members on this board, and doing research through here and tripadvisor. Thanks bettyboop and mike
My views on here are.
I loved the people, and found them so friendly, but it was mostly the ones who were not in the tourist trade.
Each night on venturing out of highland i was accosted by a shop lady (lovely smile etc etc) buy from my shop, in the end i paid over the odds for a pair of flip flops from her, which went in the bin straight away, as they looked like they'd been waiting to be sold for years.
But on my way home at night, we was greeted with smiles and pleasantries of the security guards on highland beach.
Taxi, well i'll say no more on this subject, it's been done to death.
Beach sellers, thank god i spent time at bobbys shack, cause there is only so many times in a day you can say 'no thanks'
Nokia phones, jeeps each time i got this out everyone wanted it off me.
Chatting to bar staff and telling them where your from, and then them giving you there address and asking you to send them a football shirt, poo you can buy them dirt cheap of your markets.
My favourite bits.
Loved the night markets
loved the food, not bothered about looking for the cheapest place to eat.
Went for long walks and saw indian life in the villages
went on a bus and ferry, and did the fish markets.
loved giving the workers children chocolate, the look on those kids faces was priceless.
But my favourite memory, was walking down candolim road, and had a bottle of pop in my hand, which i wasn't bothered about, and a man (looked about 70 was probably about 50) was wiping his brow when i went past him, he was working hard on the roads. hubby said to him it's hot isn't it, he just shrugged, and as i went past i gave him my bottle of pop. He had the same look on his face as the kids. Turned around a few steps later, to see him drinking the pop. Walked back to highland beach talking, and i decided next day i wanted to return to give this old man some money. I'd rather give to him than beggers. I walked down the street and looked for him, i had 500r in my hand go give to him. I couldn't see him, returned a few times, but never saw him. I just wanted to help someone who didn't beg me, or dance for me, or try to sell me something i didnt' want.
Whilst in goa in the 2 weeks i was there we spent £700, that was with a bit of silver jewellery, old monk, honey bee, a few presents, all food and drink (never looked at the price) and ate at great places after seven, souymens etc, days out in taxis, rental of beach hut, list goes on.
Now as i 1st stated my favourite place is las americas, and i moan and complain about spending £700 a week over there, i've just come back and for 9 nights we spent £800 on just food and drink.
So to those of you who are saying that it is getting expensive, it really isn't. It has just gone up a bit more than your use to.
You will moan and you will groan, like i do with tenerife, but you will be back.
lets hope they don't do the same again this year, BOB
Great summary Chris, does that mean you will return?
Great summary Chris, does that mean you will return?
Can i say that 2 nights before we left, yes, we had decided to return next year for 3 weeks.
But on the journey home and getting home mr wicked was diganosed as having salmonella and was very ill, and it has put him off.
then we have read more and more reports on goa, and been more and more put off
i just wish that we had visited 5 years ago and seen goa for all it's glory.
i think your more likely to have a problem with the food on the aircraft or the airport than the food in goa.
My advice to a first timer would be do your homework, don't trust the discriptions in the package holiday brochures, and you will find what you want.
This is how the Lonely Planet describes Goa-
Trying to describe Goa is like trying to bottle the Arabian Sea. For some the states best days are over, for others they're just beginning
Spend any time trying to figure Goa out and you'll get no closer to a tangible answer. Instead surrender to the spirit of "susegad"- of relaxing and enjoying life while you can - by accepting that Goa is not so much a state of India but a state of mind ..... a state of simply "being"
x lassi
you say ,"would most likely be traced back to the shacks" thats a pretty sweeping statment!!!. i've been to goa 7 times, had no significant trouble with my rather DELICATE stomach. i eat evey day in one beach shack or another, and various restraunts in the evenings. no problem!!
do you have a reason to think the shacks may be a problem???

I think we may be missing the point somewhat.It is possible that the business owners are not going to be glad to see the back of us Brits but rather just like the rest of us are really worried about how they will survive without tourism.After all if your livelyhood was in danger would you not look for other ways to make money.
Lets face it what do we really know about what it really costs to run a business in Goa.All the licences backhanders etc it is no wonder prices are creeping up.
As far as the Russians and other nationalities go maybe the Goans just think that if there are less English flights then they better learn to cater to other nations.
At the end of the day this year was not that much diiferent for us.Yes more Russians yes busier beaches more sellers.Maybe we will look elsewhere next year.
However do not kid yourself that Thailand is any less corrupt they just hide it better.

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