for me cost doesnt come into it , i love the place, i am also tee-total so price of alcohol doesnt bother me, i just love loungeing on a beach all day doing nothing !!!
Dont get me wrong we love it in Goa and the Goan's are beautiful people that is what has drawn us back year after year. But the affordability enables you to stay longer

But back to your question - If the cost of getting there was way out of my budget then no I wouldn't go for my yearly visit (I would have to save up longer).
If the cost of getting anywhere is out of my budget I would be a fool to 'break the bank'.
Love the place, love the people and know many faces around the resorts,and would do anything to go each year.
I have to agree with spike there are plenty of cheap long haul destination, Vietnam and Bali are very cheap and the hotels that we staying in are fair better than anything we stayed in in Goa, however we will be returning 'home' on the 21st Jan. We are fortunate that we can 'get away' a few times a year but if we couldnt Im sure that Goa would be top of the list
Yes I would definately go! What draws me back? It's mainly the people for me every time. November was the first time we couldn't go for 5 years and were both gutted. We just feel like we have "come home" the minute we land. It's been really difficult not seeing our friends and goan family that's for sure.
My situation is i can choose when i want to go on holiday, as my work is pretty flexible, my boss lets me go away whenever, as long as i give them notice.
Instead of choosing a 2 week package holiday to somewhere in Europe for have the price of Goa, if not a third of the price, i always choose Goa in Winter.
I think the price would work out about the same, we went to Turkey a few years ago in August, and altogether including the holiday cost and spending money we spent the same.
I have been tempted to visit Thailand, but i dont want to be disapointed by trying another destination.
Most definitely I would choose Goa, price is not an issue though it is a bonus that Goa is cheap, I have been to many nore expensive places like Dubai , Mexico etc but Goa feels 'right' to me, I love it
the thing is, i have now fallen in love with the place, and i would find it difficult to replace.
BUT!! if it became too expensive, i would have to look for other destinations. i like a lot of people on this forum are just working people and money is at a premium. so i cut my cloth accordingly.

What I am trying to say is that I love Goa and if it was more expensive like say, Dubai or Thailand then I would still choose Goa because it is my favourite place

I am not rich or anything , as like many others I word very hard to go on my holidays.
Most good things in life are expensive and very often, if something's cheap, it's c
We go to France in the summer and tend to look at the price before anything else.
In Goa i'm a rich man! - it feels good!
sorry if sounded like i was having a go!! i was just voicing my opinion. i agree with paul, i to feel like a rich man when in goa!!

bob , don't apologise, I knew what I wanted to say but it came out all wrong , you are right Paul is spot on

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