Sorry folks, I should have posted sooner. OK, the flights with American airlines, first one UK to Chicago OK. Second flight Chicago to Tampa, Plane broke down before takeoff and we had to disembark and get on another plane. These domestic flight planes are poor quality. We arrived at Tampa arou;nd 1am and the hotel was good it was the Hilton Riverside Tampa. Free shuttle from airport and 5 dollars shuttle to port. Breakfast was around 12 dollars however for some reason our breakfast was 'on the house'. Apparantly this was because we had to wait around 10 minutes before we were seated. We did not complain.
Embarkation onto the ship was excellent. The cabin was fine and we were even given a fridge when we asked for one. Now about that Kosher food I ordered. IT WAS AWFUL. I expected pre-packed and had Kosher food pre-packed before on a previous cruise but this was dreadful. I will not go into detail but after trying it twice (and having to explain to those sitting with us) we decided to opt for vegetarian. The rest of the cruise went fine and our only hiccup was on our return when I had packed too much in my suitcases and was overweight costing 50 dollars extra. Had I have packed using 4 suitcases (2 each) instead of 2 suitcases (one each) then we would not have paid anything as this is for to the health and safety of those staff lifting our cases. Security was strict. In UK only one item of hand luggage per person. In USA this did not apply.
On the whole we had a good holiday and are currently looking at our next one to Alaska.