I would have but i didn't book. Also, still haven't received a call back. I am intrigued by this forum though as it seems to be the only way to get a reply from them through John.
They also advertise 46kg on the tv so it will be interesting.
I have read your post and I agree with your sentiments regarding customer service, and we are trying, we have over 100 agents between India and UK call centers, its not easy to get everyone doing exactly what you want them to do, especially given the high turn over rates that exist in all Indian call centers. Yes we love to slam the Indian call center in this country, however, without them no one could afford the costs involved to provide a round the clock service at rock bottom prices that demanding UK customers require these days.
The baggage allowance for the ticket you have purchased to India with Tickets to India is 46KG, if you call Virgin direct they will give you the standard baggage allowance as per normal published airfares. The ticket you have purchased is from a special net contract especially for the UK Indian community, called a VFR contract, a contract that the airline do not sell themselves. Like wise the fees for changes etc are different to published fares. Yes we do make a small addition to the airline fee because we are providing a service, we have costs and any business that doesn't ensure that it is covering its costs doesn't have to worry about customer service. Making a name change involves one of my agents spending anywhere from 10-30 mins on hold trying to speak to the airline trade centre, yes we speak to a different department than the public, then re setting the document up for re-issue and accounting for the paperwork, all tickets are numbered documents it's not as simple as you give me your old one and I'll give you a new one.
Why there was a delay in your ticket being sent to you I can't say, if you want to e-mail me privately I will check and report back. It seems that the only wrong we have done to you is not provide the level of service that you would require. For this I apologise and assure you that we are taking all posts regarding our service seriously, learning from them and training and encouraging our staff to be 100% customer focused. However, to suggest like you have that this could be a watchdog case is a little over the top, you have your ticket, it's genuine and valid, as is the baggage allowance, and I assume you were happy with the price. Apologies that you had to pay for a name change, however, this was not our error.
Should our customer service to you have been better, yes it should and again I apologise that on this occasion you found our agents rude, please do send names to me directly (john@myvacations.co.uk) the only way I can solve issues like this is to address it with the individuals.
Apart from the service issue, you have your tickets, the baggage allowance is correct, and I wish you a pleasant journey.
I really appreciate your reply and thank you kindly for your prompt and comprehansive response. This is all i have been looking for. This is the problem, I would never have got the comprehensive repsonse from your staff memebers.
I fully understand the benefits and problems of outsorcing as it is common place in London and . But thats no excuse. We culturally expect a good service in this country.
Regarding the baggage allowance, all i wanted was an email stating this special contract or anything just to clarify the baggage allowance was for each person. then i would at least have something to reasssure my wife and have something we could take to the airport just in case. Every other e-ticket i have seen clearly states 2 pieces (2x23kg) per passenger, this is with Indra, southall etc. Hence our worries. But still the reps could not provide me with a simple email. Also, they have still not rang back or emailed in 3 days.
It's not just a small increase in the fee - £30 compared to £75 is over double. I think it is a tad excessive. An extra £10-£20 is understandable but £45.
Fair enough you may say that the whole watchdog comment is over the top. But imagine my frustration at having to keep on chasing your members of staff. I lost any trust with your staff from the begining so it's hardly likely I am going to trust them especially after so many broken promises. With my wife also upset and worried you can forgive me for being a little angry.
I've ended up paying more so i'm not really happy with the price. Not just becasue of the name change but the numerous phone calls i've had to make when people said they would ring me back. As stated I had not booked the tickets, to be hoest i don't mind paying that bit extra for a better service.
As stated before i will email you directly to give further details of my experiece.
Again thank you for taking the time to reply and addressing all my issues.
kind regards
I would like to describe my experience with booking with ticketstoindia.co.uk. I booked tuesday evening two internal flights from Varanasi to Udaipur (India). The next morning I received an e-mail asking for a copy of the creditcard (back and front) and copy of passport. At first i thought this was strange, so I gave a call to their customer service. They were -in contrary to what has been written on this webpage- very helpful, explained me why (I am not a UK resident etc.), and I could also find it back in their terms and conditions. So i e-mailed thema scanned version of the creditcard and passport. Mani, the person who helped me from the customer service, had told me i could send it to her own email address (of the comany of course) so that she could immediately make sure that the tickets would be issued. She informed me when she received the documents and told me that the e-tickets would be send as soon as possible (in their e-mail it said it would happen within 24 hours after sending teh required documents). In the evening, i still did not receive the e-tickets and got a little paranoid. I found this website through Google and after reading all these experiences, got even more scared.
But thankfully, ticketstoindia.co.uk proved me wrong!

I WOULD recommend this company to others. They did reply to all my e-mails and questions (which were quite some!), and did exactly what they have said they would do. For me, big thumbs up!
In addition to this, I found on the website of Indiamike (a website by, and about, India travellers) also positive experiences about booking with ticketstoindia.co.uk. So, hereby I would like to say that - although something can go wrong surely - my experience (and others' experiences) have been great with this company. A few bad critics is never nice, but their service has been a big plus for me.
Just wanted to let people know that the company can also do many things right

Good luck and enjoy the summer!
First time poster here. I have been looking around the last few days for flights to India to go this December and this website has come up as the cheapest. Its been advertising on TV recently and seemed to have a decent price so I went ahead and booked it through them.
I booked the tickets online (Manchester to Hyderabad) and everything seemed fine until the last page where it said "Booking confirmed, but credit card declined" and then it asked me to ring a number. I rang the number and got through to a very very VERY softly speaking person. I had to switch to "speaker" mode to listen to her! She said that she wanted a copy of my passport and my credit card along with the signature strip. I said no straight away. I wasn't willing to send out my card details to anyone! The odd thing was though, when I said no, she immediately said "Oh that's fine, we don't need them anyway". This worried me even more! She said she would ring me back to confirm if it has gone through. But after an hour later, and reading this forum in the meantime, made me nervous.
I rang my bank to check if they have taken the money out - they had. But I still didn't have a confirmation. So I rang the agent again! This time they said I would get the confirmation in 24 hours.
By this time I was in full blown panic mode. 4 adult tickets to India in Dec are very expensive! Even on the best deal. So I wanted to make sure I got the tickets.
Anyway, another hour later, I get a confirmation email (with a link to the booking) saying that everything has gone through. I rang the airline to double check and everything looks good. PHEW!
I think the panic was self induced because of their poor website not accepting my card and then the confusing lady on the phone and also me reading this forum.
I can't obviously endorse this agent until I have boarded the return journey! But I wanted to share the experience with everyone incase it happens to you...
The only thing that is tempting me to book is their baggage allowance on almost all the carriers, which even includes British Airways (23 x 2 - Atleast they claim in their web page that they would do).
Can you guys please advise me on that.
Any positive comments would be greatly appreciated

Following up from my post last August! I can state that we had no problems with our tickets flying out or flying back in. We booked the tickets from tickets to India and after the initial kerfuffle, everything was fine.
Would I use them again? Yes, if they provide the cheapest ticket.
There are times when you want to bang your head against the wall but all I would advise is to make sure you get your details right first time round. Speaking to them will probably make you want to go insane.
But they were the ceapest, baggage allowance was by far the best and when i did have a query this forum provided a direct contact who was really helpful in the end.
Can anybody confirm that British Airways offer 46 kg in Economy as claimed by this website ?
Best bet if you want to ask anyone is email john@myvacations.com i think.
Thank you all for your valuable reply.
I can confirm at Tickets to India we do have special "visit friends and family" deals on British Airways and many other carriers to India that offer enhanced baggage allowance. These deals are not available from the airline direct or other agents who do not specialise, as we do, in travel to India. The baggage allowances shown on Tickets to India are genuine, if anyone requires additional information why not call us on 0208 518 9100.
Two days later I checked my tickets on their website via ‘View Your Booking' and found that baggage allowance was only 28Kg. I immediately called the office and asked for the person who booked the tickets for me. As he was on holiday on that day, I called back next morning. Some another person told me that he is busy on phone and will call me back in few minutes. Whole day passed but no call from ticketstoindia office. I called back in the evening and got hold that guy. I asked him about the baggage allowance but he denied by saying that he can't remember if he quoted the baggage allowance as 46Kg. He then told me that he can't do anything about baggage allowance and I need to call airline office to have extra baggage allowance.
I called Air India office but they refused to increase the baggage allowance.
So I blame this to ticketstoindia agents who are miss-selling the tickets with wrong Baggage allowance.
Hi Webonline ... John from TicketsToIndia might hopefully visit this topic shortly to answer your post. But if you haven't already done so, it might be worth contacting him directly via the email address which he has previously supplied: john@myvacations.co.uk
I'll wait for John's reply.
I've already sent emails to 'customer-care@ticketstoindia.co.uk' and 'customer-relations@myvacations.co.uk' last week but nobody replied back or even acknowledged the email.
Hoping for a reply soon.
Apologies no one has responded. I have not received an e-mail from you regarding this, perhaps your mails are not getting through to us for some reason. Can you pse resend your mail to me at john@myvacations.co.uk and I will happily look into this issue and resolve it for you.
Rgds John
I have sent the email again this morning to john@myvacations.co.uk
Hope you'll get this one.
I am now satisfied with end result of all this.
I hope to get a much improved service next time.
Thanks Mr John for his efforts and keeping me informed.

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