I've spoke to nurse and she says I should be ok
There's your answer

leave it a few more days before you make any decisions.
Everyone is different and it depends on how much infection you've got, but as has been pointed out, Benidorm is well equiped with countless farmacia's with very knowledgeable people behind the counter, but the nurse will/should supply you with the necessary equipment to take with you.
If you're sensible about it and don't do anything stupid like jump in the hotel pool or get sand into it and follow the instructions/advice given by the nurse, then I think you will be fine....we used to leave packing (ribbon gauze) in place for at least 2 days before disturbing it...it may have changed now....if it needs packing you could always ask the nurse to let you have a go, under her/his supervision.
The packing is put into place to soak up any remaining pus, and stop the skin from healing over where the the incision has been made and sealing in any remaining infection.
Are you on a course of antibiotics.? I think you should see a vast improvement by next week, but it's your decision and nobody else's.
You should take the advice of the nurse, some of them have as much knowledge as some junior doctors and certainly more knowledge than someone flogging insurance.