My partner and I are hoping to get away for a fortnight at the end of the year. We had considered a bit of a long haul trip, but have figured we'll get more for our money if we stay local. We've been to Lanzarote a couple of times in the last few years so thought we'd try something different.
We love Lanzarote and we've heard good things about the other Canaries - especially at the time of year when we're wanting to get away - October/November time. I've always fancied the sand dunes of Maspalomas, but have always liked the idea of Fuerteventura - dunno why...
We're looking for a really nice holiday - we've both got new jobs, just moved into our first house and we're both working really hard - so why not, eh?! Hence the idea of a long haul. But having looked through travel brochures, it makes sense to go for a 2-week 5* break in Europe, as opposed to a 7 night 3* break elsewhere. If you think you can convince me otherwise, I'm all ears!
Can anyone recommend a really nice 4/5* B&B/SC holiday in Gran Canaria, or even Fuerteventura (wrong section, I know...)? The reason i want SC/B&B is so that we can eat out a lot without feeling like we're wasting money [if we've already paid for an A/I].
I'm open to all suggestions.