It's also fairly normal for me to forget to close the browser down . I could fall asleep or go out , come back and HT is still logged on when I return to the computer . Quite clearly I need to get a life

Between this and Facebook, it's a wonder I get any housework done. I don't think my husband is too amused every time he looks I'm on the computer. He just sighs and walks away
I'm usually on HT after midnight as I'm a night owl, OH is usually on the computer during the evening.
I am in and out throughout the day - usually log in when I get to work (shh...don't tell) and pop in and out when I have time (or I am stressed) as the day goes by. I read most of the new posts and love finding out about places I haven't been to yet as well as those I have.
I flit in and out every day I guess that makes me a regular user. I am mostly in the Egypt, Malta or Canary forums..although I occasionally flit in the Thailand one and would only go into another forum if I had a question to ask eg: I have recently been in the NZ forum. (ta for the info Judith!)
I don't think my husband is too amused every time he looks I'm on the computer. He just sighs and walks away
Same here and I'm not surprised as I'm obsessed with it

I'm on here every day, unless I'm away of course. I do flit in and out as well, to see if there's any new posts, or to see if anyone needs help, although it's usually me that's asking for help....
I log in everyday, on a day off I'll log in a couple of times. I don't seem to post very much but I enjoy browsing and reading.
I look at the Rhodes forum a few times every day. Also like to read the general tips etc.but I tend to only lurk!! A few contributions but generally just a reader.
I am always checking the Cyprus forum as that is the only place we ever go now probably been about 15 times! I also read the general forum but I don't post that often - unless I can be of any help. I enjoy reading everyone elses posts though!
Can't say I'm on any particular forums. I always come on to the forums through the "view active topics". I scan the posts then, until I find something which either interests me, or see something I think I can help with.
I do the same helen except I use the "view new posts" function which will show me all posts made on Ht since I last logged in . I will read anything that jumps out at me whatever forum it's on .
Ive never really thought about using the "view active topics" or "view new posts" options. Maybe I will take a look at them, might give me inspiration for next year's holiday instead of sticking to the places that I know and like.
Am a regular visitor to the site but contribution seems to have dried up a bit this year?
I usually log on every day in early evening and generally browse but always look at general forum some topics make smile there is always a light hearted banter. I dont post regularly usually if I want advice or have any helpful info for other members.
depends on whats going on, whether I flit in and out or stay.

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