Unfortunately life took over once we arrived home and both of us have had some health problem or another with time off work, nothing to do with Goa I might add although we were given a thorough check up by the doctor. I think it was all down to the English weather, Liz is still coughing for England.
I will give details of the places we ate in and the prices in a separate post.
Saturday, 11 December 2010
We left Manchester airport flying Monarch over 1 hr late so we spent the time drinking champagne in the newly opened Epernay champagne bar in Manchester airport to stop us fretting - worked a treat. We more or less made up the time flying out and as we usually arrive so early and have to wait for our rooms we didn't mind the small delay. We arrived at the hotel, Senhor Angelo, Calangute, early morning to be greeted by the usual room boys and Steven our taxi driver and we were shown straight to our room which was the large room on the front of the hotel with a very big balcony, not that we spend much time there but the balcony comes in handy for hanging the washing out when we are forced into it. After unpacking we went to our usual money exchange place, Valerie's Travels to catch up on the latest news and change travellers cheques, we also booked a trip to Paradise Beach and Wildernest for the following weeks, then up to Calangute high street to stock up on the essentials, anti-malaria medication, rum, coke, etc. then back to the hotel and headed off to our usual shack the Beach Queen for lunch and we spent the afternoon catching up with our sleep on the beach. In the evening we went to Seashells restaurant then on to the Sportsman's bar to catch up with the football. I will detail the visits to the restaurants we used in the eating out section of this forum with prices etc. We had a late night and slept well. Taxi fare to Candolim and running around to Sportsman's bar and back to hotel in early morning R350.
Sunday, 12 December
Spent the day on the beach and ate at Queen Beach Shack. In the evening we went to Jambalaya to meet up with Chilly, the Dragons, Meagain, Travellingtrina and their OH's and TA crowd not forgetting our introduction to little Chris & Alfie. We had a brilliant night with the dancing led by Chilly, another latish night but a great start to our holiday, it was lovely to see everyone again and we already felt as though we had been in Goa ages. Would definitely recommend Sunday night in Jambalaya, unfortunately we never made it again as we had so much to see and do, 3 weeks still not long enough.
Monday, 13 December
Dentist today to see Sonja, a very small filling for me and Liz got away with just a scale and polish. We then went where Sonja probably wouldn't approve, Chocolatti for cake and coffee. We tried to get into the museum down there but found it had closed down. We weren't surprised as we tried to get in 3 times last year and couldn't, it obviously wasn't making any money. After Chocolatti we walked down to the beach and back towards Calangute. We went to see Hilda at Domat shack where we had our usual mixed fish dish then Over the Flames for dinner in the evening. It was very quiet in here compared to other years, it was like a different place but we booked to go for Xmas dinner as we really enjoyed it last year. Then on again to Sportsman's Bar for more football. We arrived back at the hotel at 4:30 a.m. Poor Steven the taxi driver is not getting much sleep and neither are we but we don't have to work all day.
Tuesday, 14 December
Beach Queen shack all day, light lunch. The shack is full of Russians this year and the service is not very good at all this year. In the evening we went to Mermaid in Candolim and had an earlier night.
Wednesday, 15 December
Today we headed for Peter's Shack to meet up with Sangitta our massage girl. We have known Sangitta for 11 years and watched her children grow up. We caught up with all her news and had our first massage of the holiday and chatted with the other girls at the shack. Evening it was the meet up at the Carvery where we had fish and chips and lots of drinks with Chilly, Trina, Split, the Dragons, Meagain and OH's. I think there were others there too but can't remember now.
Thursday/Friday, 16 & 17 December
Today we went to Paradise Beach. I wasn't feeling too good though and we had to stop part way down as I felt sick, I think it was the anti-malaria tablets. Fortunately we had a doctor and his wife travelling down with us so they were quite helpful. I was ok after a bit of fresh air and we then got on our way. It was worth the journey though as it was beautiful there. The huts were on the other side of the lagoon to the ones at Cola beach and it was just the place to be when I wasn't feeling too well. I was still off my food for the rest of the day and didn't eat much and unlike me all I drank was lime soda all day and into the evening. We had a bonfire on the beach in the evening which was nice and we found there was another doctor and his wife staying there too, we were entertained by one of the young lads asking every possible medical question he could think of! It was quite interesting though, at least we had some intelligent conversation. Before we went to bed the doctor who travelled down with us asked me if I wanted any tablets for sickness as he thought he probably had some in his bag but I felt a lot better by this time and declined the offer and slept very well despite finding two frogs jumping around in our hut when we returned. I felt a lot better this morning and had breakfast. After taking lots of photographs we left late morning for the long, bumpy journey back. I managed to sleep most of the way back much to Liz's dismay with all the noisy traffic noise but I just felt really tired. When we got back to the hotel we picked up all the goodies and went off to Candolim Boys Home. Unfortunately Lynne wasn't there as she couldn't come out until January because of the visa problems but we met up with Gaurish and had a chat with him about the things they need out there. He passed us a list before we left and I have put this on a separate post. The boys were all busy doing their homework so we didn't disturb them too much. Ate at Seashells in the evening.
Saturday, 18 December
I felt ill again today and couldn't eat breakfast, well the usual 2 slices of toast, so wasn't missing much. We decided a walk up to Valerie's Travels to change TC would do me good. When we got outside the door Steven was there and asked if we had enjoyed our trip and asked how we were. Liz told him I wasn't well and he said he could tell as I had a "sad face". He told us to get in the taxi and he would run us up the road and then go home and get some medicine for me and pick us back up and take us back to the hotel. He said this is "friendship not business, no charge". He gave me the medicine which was rehydration salts and told me to stay in bed and drink lots of water. I went back to bed and did as I was told, it was like Chinese torture drinking so much water. Liz had a better day around the pool lying in the sun, painting her nails, reading and eating nice food and paying me the odd visit. I did sleep quite a lot though and by the end of the day I felt so much better so it was worth it. I was glad about this as we were meeting Trina and Andy to go to Thalasa in Vagator. We weren't impressed as Trina has already expressed in her blog. It was a lovely place but the service was atrocious, they were a real posy lot. We went back to Baga and went for drinks on Titos Road.
Sunday, 19 December
Beach all day. Jamies for dinner in the evening. This was our first visit, had read good reviews so gave it a try. We loved the restaurant but I got eaten alive by mossies. As soon as we arrived they brought the insect repellent out for us to use so I should have known. I didn't use it which was a big mistake as I had too many bare bits on show. Anyway we had a lovely meal and would definitely go back, will make sure I have the mossie repellent on next time. Could have just been a bad night for them.
Monday/Tuesday, 20 & 21 December
We left for Wildernest for a couple of days. We have mixed feelings about this place. We have read very good reviews about it over the years so thought we would give it a go. It was a lovely drive out and the views were fantastic and it was lovely and peaceful. My only complaint was that there are 18 cabins and only 7 sunbeds around the pool and there are no sunbeds anywhere else. If you didn't want to spend all your time in the pool then there was nowhere to sit or lay in the sunshine. We had to sit around our cabin which was in the trees and the chairs weren't the most comfortable of things I have ever sat in. It was nice to do the trip but not one I would repeat. Went to Roma in the evening when we got back.
Wednesday, 22 December
Went to CWT today to take children's clothes and school things and also left lots of new baby stuff for them to take to the local maternity wards in the hospitals. We then went straight on to Anjuna market for the afternoon. We met up with the 3 local girls at their various stalls and bought lots of things off them, i.e. jewellery and bags. It amazes me they can remember everything we have bought for the last 11 years, I think we could manage to set up our own stall; we always manage to find something to buy though that we really need! We had a drink and samosas and met a nice couple from Liverpool and chatted to them for quite a while then had another walk around. It was much quieter this year but much better. Later in the afternoon we headed for Sea Breeze and had late lunch there and listened to the band for the rest of the afternoon. We loved it in there, the band were great, shame about the toilets, but we can manage that for once a year. Will definitely do this again next year. Evening meet up at the Carvery again, Split, MeAgain, Dragons, Chilly, Lyne B and OH's and someone who was introduced as the Interloper! No Trina and Andy tonight, nursing the poorly cat formerly known as Ginger Nuts.
Thursday, 23 December
Beach day. We decided to move on from Beach Queen shack as the service has got very bad there this year, they seem to spend all their time running around after the Russians now and the happy go lucky spirit has vanished from the shack and because they are mainly Russian people in there no-one seems to talk anymore. We walked up the beach towards Bagga and went to Bobby's Shack where the girls work from that we see at Anjuna market. It is mostly English people in this shack and much friendlier. We stopped to watch the sunset over a drink and in the evening we went to Casa Portuguese to see Francisco. We had a great evening in there and Steven our taxi driver came in for a late drink with us while we chatted to Francisco. Another late night as it always is when we go there.
Friday, 24 December
Went to Peters Shack to see Sangitta for a massage and took some baby clothes for one of the other girls in the shack. As it was Xmas eve we didn't want to go too far as the traffic was horrendous so we ate locally at E'n'E which opened last year but always seemed quite popular, it is just on the bend of the road going to Senhor Angelos hotel. This was a special Xmas dinner and was excellent value and excellent service.
Saturday, 25 December
Xmas day and crowds everywhere. Went to Valerie's Travels to change money then on to chemist and opticians to collect glasses. Back down to the beach and to Bobby's Shack. In the evening we went to Over the Flames as last year we had a fantastic night out there and a very good meal on Christmas day but this year it was very disappointing, it was very quiet and no atmosphere and the service was bad. We were brought the next course before we had even finished the first one and then two courses together. After two visits there this year we don't think we will go there again next year, it has definitely gone down hill.
Sunday, 26 December
Walked down to the Rovers Return to see if we could book in to have suckling pig there the next day. Unfortunately we were told they only did it in the evening so we didn't bother as we didn't feel very safe walking down there in the dark. We then headed for Peter's shack instead and had a massage from Sangitta. In the evening we had early dinner at Bomras as we wanted to get to the Sportsman's bar to watch the Manu/Sunderland game. Had a lovely meal in Bomras and would like to have lingered a bit longer but had to rush off. Will definitely go again next year.
Monday, 27 December
Today we went to Dolmat Shack and called at the Taylors on the way back but he was closed. We went to Sangitta's house for tea - our massage lady. We spent the evening with her and her children; as usual she cooked far too much food for us. We arranged to take the children to the cinema in Panjim next year as they love films and we didn't have much time to do it this year. On our way back home we did some shopping in Calangute then called into the Mirabar for Mojitos.
Tuesday, 28 December
Beach day, today we went to Bonny's Shack and stopped there until sunset then in the evening we went to All Spice in Apora, another favourite haunt.
Wednesday, 29 December
Massage again today with Sangitta at Peter's Shack then in the evening it was meet up time again at the Carvery - Corrynlyn, Split & OH, Chilly, Mike, the Dragons, Trina, Andy and their adopted friend Kirt - not sure who adopted who. The traffic was horrendous so we had to walk up the main road to meet up with our taxi.
Thursday, 30 December
We escaped the crowds and went up to Ashven - Cool Place Shack - to meet up with Vishal our taxi driver from years gone by who has now opened his own shack and no longer does the taxiing. We had lobster and crab. It is very expensive now compared to when we used to have it 10 years ago but it is a nice treat. Too much food as usual. In the evening we met up with Trina, Andy and Kirt in Top Nosh - another new place for us - and met up with our friends Di and Suzi who we haven't seen for a couple of years. We had a lovely meal and will definitely go back there again.
Friday, 31 December
Sadly our last day so the morning was started with packing suitcases and last minute shopping then off to the beach. On the way to the shops we noticed the new building had been completed finished at the top of the road and to our great delight it was called Manchester United Cafe Bar so we decided that was where we were going to see in the New Year. We ate locally at what used to be Sudans, it is now called Melting Pot. We had a really good meal of Chinese food and met up there with Di who had a drink and a few nibbles at our starters before she headed off to meet up with Suzi to see in the New Year. At 11:30 we headed off to the ManU bar. To our surprise the first person to greet us was Romeo who used to manage Eden a few years ago so it was lovely to see him again. We had a couple of G&T's to see in the New Year, they weren't cheap though. No Auld Lang Syne, it was Glory, Glory, Man United. Sadly we had to leave at around 1:00 pm. as we had to be up again around 3:00 a.m. to go to the airport. Before anybody says it - some people probably think we were sad to go to such a bar in the first place!
Saturday, 1 January
Up before the birds and headed down to reception to wait to be picked up. We had been told we would be picked up by taxi. We waited and we waited and waited again by which time we were panicking big time as we had seen what the traffic was like on the road. We tried to ring the 24 hour number but couldn't get through so in desperation we rang Steven our taxi driver and got him out of bed to ask him to take us to the airport. In the meantime we rang the 24 hour number again and got through to be told that the taxi was on his way and not to worry. So we rang Steven back and apologised to him for getting him up and no doubt already out. We felt really bad about that but will take him something nice out next year as a peace offering. Avery flustered taxi drive eventually arrived and drove us to connect with a coach out of the traffic, we got to the airport okay in the end. After the usual 101 checks of the passport etc. we finally felt able to settle down and relax a bit before our onward journey home which thankfully turned out to be quite uneventful.
2 weeks later
We have booked to go back last 3 weeks in December.
Brenda & Liz
Yet another excellent and informative trip report thanks Brenda & Liz
really enjoyed your report brenliz,hope your fully recovered
Congratulation,s on a great report BrenLiz
Lovely report Brenliz. I was also there Xmas and New Year , sadly I cannot go at Xmas every year as work will not allow it

They actually allow a Mna U bar and not a Mc D's there should be laws about things like this.
Glad you had a good time

I just knew you would have to have something to say on that Mike, I should have put money on it. There is a lovely air conditioned restuarant in there though if anyone is in need of coolling off during April.
Loved it!!! brought back some good memories!! seems sooooo long ago now.....
Ginger (formally nuts!) is doing well and is being thoroughly spoilt by Joseph and Lucia.....
Little Chris and Alfi were at the Kylie concert last night with Big Chris and Alfi.....they were there the previous night and the next two too.....how can two dolls have a better social night than us!
Oncologist went well with Andy...fingers crossed when we go back in early June......
Anyway glad you are all well now lots of love Trina and Andy -x-
Enjoyed your report, a good read you always find new places to visit.
A very good account of your hols - good reading,thanks.
Loved reading your report its brightend up a dull Monday lunchtime here...
Hi Trina & Andy, good to hear the good news, it does seem a long time ago now but looking forward to the next trip. We are off to Turkey for 16 nights next Wednesday so looking forward to that. Hope everything goes well for you Andy later in the year. Hopefully summer will soon be here.
HI Girls what a great and informative trip report... loved reading it so interesting you get sooo much done

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