well the big day had arrived,29th nov and the taxi was loading our cases into the boot for our trip to cardiff so we could get the national express to heathrow,there was a light snow falling (we had been snowed in the previous week)and we had booked a night at a hotel at the airport just to make sure we got there lol.the coach was a little late arriving in cardiff because of bad weather in swansea but it didnt really affect us,trip upto heathrow was uneventful and we checked into the premier inn at around 5pm.we were given the room key and proceeded on to the room,my god it was freezing in there,i know it was -5 outside but you would have thought they would have put the heating on when guests have prepaid to stay,anyway turned the heating on and decided to go to the bar for a drink or 3,funniy enough all the staff were of indian decent and we had lovely conversations with them about our forth coming trip,our plans were to arrive in mumbai,stay 1 night then fly to jodphur and stay 3 nights,train onto jaipur and stay 3 nights,train onto new delhi stay3 nights,train onto aggra stay 2 nights,overnight sleeper to varannassi stay 4 nights,then we had booked a multi trip flight,taking us to mumbai for 3 nights then down to goa for 14 nights over christmas and new year,then back upto mumbai for our journey home.some of the staff had originally come from some of the places we would be visiting,so it was quite interesting to hear thier point of view.after a few more drinks we decided to have a meal in the restuarant,quite nice steaks but a bit overpriced we thought,never mind it was the start of our hols.
we eventually returned to the room about 10ish as we our taxi was picking us up for our 4am check in (groan).the heater hadnt been working when we were out and other half sounded just like victor meldrew when he said, i don,t b----y belive it as he rushed off to recption to complain. manager came back to the room and said that was the way it was supposed to work,blowing hot air for 5 mins then shutting off for 5 mins,problem was it was blowing hot for 5 mins then cold for 5mins,,,no use at all.off manager went to get what he described as a free standing heater.what he came back with was a tiny little thing about 8 inches high that also blew hot for all of 3 mins then swithched off for a few minutes,the noise it made i thought it was about to blow up at any minute,so we switched it off and i,m embarressed to stay we got into bed fully clothed,minus our shoes off course and went to sleep thinking what a marvellous start to the hols,more to come at a later date
well we eventually took off and things seemed to settle down,both had a bit of a snooze and were woken with breakfast,(it was now lunch time},we had prebooked hindi non-veg but were told we had to have 1 non-veg and 1 veg,i still dont know what the point of pre booking was as we had what we were given,have to add there was no drinks service at all during the flight. a couple of hours later i needed to use the loo and found that there was used tiolet tissue littering the floor and the hand basin was overflowing,at no time during the flight was this cleaned up,have to say i doubt if we would ever fly air india again.we eventualy arrived in mumbai and we waited and waited and waited to disembark,we waited 3/4 hour,we eventually got off the plane and made our way through to immigration where everything went ok,,,,we got a pre-paid taxi to the hotel,we didnt think there was any point in going to the hotel actually as we were now 3 1/2 hours late and it was only 6 hrs before check in opened for our flight to jodphur,,we only hoped that the rest of the holiday was not going to follow the same path....little did we know?????more to come later
just wondering,got a few fotos i,d like to share is it ok to put a link on here or do i have to use my media,,,it takes a long time doing 1 photo at a time@
Great reading Valleylady. Fancy Jodphur myself after seeing it on TV the other night, looks as if it would be well worth a visit
Many thanks great report. Yes you can put the photo's in here
Hi valley lady great reading so far,cant wait for the next installment
Great reading. I just hope things got better for you!!
Glad you have started this Valleylady, I was looking forward to reading about all your travels. I'm glad someone else is as slow as me as well at putting their report on. Look forward to reading the rest, sounds interesting.
cheers for the comments guys,,gemma jodhpur was great i,m sure you will like it.
durag villas guesthouse was a nice surprise, typical rajistan decor with wall hangings and paintings adourning the walls.the owner came out to greet us and showed us to our room which was lovely ,double bed,coffee table ,couple of armchairs,some beautiful cushions etc all in the rajistan style.we dumped our bags and made our way back to the lounge area to meet our friends for a kingfisher or.to our surprise there were no beers in the fridge or a honeybee to be seen,(hadn,t realised it was a dry state,anyway as soon as we asked for beers 1 of the staff got on a bike and came back with 4 bottles, (small ones 150 rupps each),we pointed out that they wouldnt last us long and that we also liked a honetbee or 3 in the evening,so off he went again and came back with a box of kingfisher and a bottle of honeybee,this was more like it,now the holiday was starting or so it seemed.the guesthouse had a board up advertisng jeep safaris to visit the bishnoi tribes,something we had planned to do,so we promptly booked for the next day at 800 rupps each for a 6 hr trip.later in the day we decided to go and have a look at the clock tower area and sader market,an amazing few hours were spent wondering round the narrow alleys and lanes,(still could,nt get a beer anywhere).when we decided to go back to the accom we got 2 rickshaws ans some young boys jumped on the back off ours,(the back of it was open),other half said hold onto your necklace which i did,and low and behold as soon as we did this 1 of the cheeky imps did nothing more than grap o/h,s sunglasses off the top of his head,they all jumped off the rickshaw,as we turned around we could see them laughing in the distance.we both laughed becuace they probaly thought they were reybans or something,o/h had just bought them in the market for 50rupps.post some more later.
hopefully i have done this right for photos
I'm looking forward to reading more
Excellent stuff keep it coming I am enjoying this
off to see the match this afternoon guy,s but will try and do a bit more tomorrow,,,come on waaaales
Loving your report so far thanks for sharing
Another good report - thanks.
next morning we had a faboulous breakfast of marsala omelletes,had,nt tried them before but had many more on our travels,time had come for the jeep safari and we ventured outside and found not a jeep but an air con car...of we went and travelled down the highway for about an hour and turned onto a dirt track and went on for about 30 minutes,we came to a village when the car stopped and we were shown into a compounded area,here there was a potter at work..this can,t be it we thought,this was just an ordinary village.well we watched the potter for a while and the children come swarming around,we gave them some sweets we had brought with us then we bought a few items and made our way back to the car,no no the driver said and showed us to another area where there was a printer at work,again we had a demonstaration on the technique of printing and how to wrap a turban,we bought a tablecloth.back to the car and another 30 minutes later we stopped again and was told this was a traditional village,it consisted of 3 huts,i don,t know about traditional but they were powererd by solar panels

Great trip report, loving it.
the fort itself was fantastic,300rupps each to get in but this included a headphone and remote control each,,each different part of the fort was numbered and when you got to it you pressed the same number on the remote and you got a running commantery,we spent a few hours at the fort and really enjoyed it the views from the upper parts over the city and palace were amazing,this was definately the highlight of our stay in jodhpur,on the way back to the guesthouse we asked the driver were we could get some beers as in the 3 days here we hadn,t been able to get any.exept at the g/h, the driver duly took us to a beer shop and indeed they stocked everything you could think of,,,we stocked up on beers 150 rupps small bottle and a litre of honeybee 200rupps

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