Flight Only / Airline and Airports

Discussions relating to flight only, airlines and airports.
Is it not about time a system was introduced where by each row is asked to disembark in an orderly fashion? It never ceases to amaze me how everyone gets up in a rush to get off the aircraft, when as this person has already said, the dorrs are not open and the airbridge or stairs are not even in place.

There is a system to embark on board an aircraft row by row and there should be a system in place to disembark in the same orderly, and safe manner.
The incident referred to in this thread could indeed have been far more serious, and its about time the airlines did somethiung about this. WE british are susposed to pride ourselves on our system of queuing, but that all goes out of the window when it comes to trying to get off an aircraft.

Its not happened yet, to the nbest of my knowledge, but one day someone is going to die as they are caught up in the current mayhem thats is the norm when trying to get off an aircraft.
I dont know what it is about people on an aircraft but from getting on to getting off their IQ seems to reset to zero.

Anyway well done for at least trying to render assistance when it was needed especially in `hostile territory`
yes it always amazes me that people can't wait to get their stuff out the overhead locker. Then they have to stand and hold it while everybody else does the same. very slow getting off, THEN they rush to the carousels...and wait ages for their luggage. We tend to stay seated on the plane, get our stuff when the plane is quieter, slow stroll to the carousel and still get our luggage same time as everyone else.

It's a bit like lemmings, one does so they all have to
My mother now needs wheelchair assistance for boarding and disembarking from planes and so it's a case of first on but last off these days when we travel together. But does this mean that we can count on the baggage being available for collection off the carousel by the time we make it to the carousel? Does it heck! On our last trip through Tenerife South we were ages getting off the plane because there were a large number of passengers needing assistance and they wanted to keep everybody together - and we still spent nearly an hour waiting for the luggage once we arrived in the baggage hall! So long in fact that they came and collected the wheelchair for re-use to help another passenger of another plane and we had to retrieve one to complete our transit through the terminal once we'd got the luggage. I estimate that all those who rushed to be first off the plane probably spent nearly 2 hours in the smoky, overcrowded, overheated baggage hall!

It was no different when we landed back in Manchester - we arrived at baggage reclaim to find that none of the bags had yet come off anyway and everybody who'd been on the plane with us was still there waiting. And this includes my mother and I complete with wheelchair trekking to the disabled loo and back to the airbridge to re-join all the rest of the 'wheelies' before we even set off for the luggage. Incidentally, we had to do this because the wheelchair access at Manchester is so appalling that you get taken from airside to landside via a very tortuotous route through all the 'backstage' areas that passengers don't normally see!

If one has checked-in baggage to collect, this mad rush to get off the plane first is utterly nonsensical. And it doesn't make much more sense if one only has hand baggage because you'll still spend far longer trekking through the terminal to get out anyway.

Sanji, you should have given the ignorant :swear a good tongue lashing, like you say if it was an emergency the man might not have been so lucky, honestly some people are idiots.
I agree with whoever said it that there should be some sort of order to leave the plane, the staff on board must get pig sick of repeating themselves every flight.

It would be serious as you said. Last flight we were on we got on aircraft and everyone was finding their seats incredibly slowly and we had a 4 year old son who was asleep so we literally smashed our way through the crowd and found our seats. This was 1am so we got away with it! :oops: :shock:

But if that incident happened on any aircraft I was on I would do exactly the same, screw the passengers with their luggage push them back in their seats and get to the casualty there is no reason not to and it is no only way when there is an emergency on board!
Have no fear :wink: I would have pushed them aside, even though they were elderly, if it had been more serious. :wink: and I did raise my voice :oops: much to my hubby's disgust :oops: but, they just stood there frozen and glued to the spot. :roll:

It frightens me :oops: when I think about an emergency evacuation situation....some of them really have no idea, :roll: and God forbid, it would be everyman for himself, because if you wait for some of them, then you would be dead. Fact.!!!
I can excuse some because they are old and their reactions are not quick, but it is also true that some are just plain pig ignorant. :evil:
God, I hope I never end up like that. :oops: :roll: :shock: :wink:

If that had been a bottle instead of a crutch, then that bloke would have had more than an headache, and needing a couple of stitches :shock: and people still put bags with bottles up there, even though they are told not too. :evil:
I personally think that there should be more restrictions on what you can put in the overhead lockers...sorry if that doesn't go down well with people, :oops: but by the time we boarded the plane, there was no room in the overhead lockers for our coats and ONE hand luggage bag....and a carrierbag with stuff bought in the duty free, mainly perfume/aftershave and chocolates...so, we had to sit with it between our feet and had our coats on our lap :evil:
The reason why we were late boarding from the front entrance, is because they decided to board the disabled passengers on the plane, half way through the abled bodied people boarding...consequently, we and about 30 other people were left standing on the steps and the tarmac, swallowing aviation fuel from another plane next to ours, that was either being refuelled or just revving up the engines.!!!!

The people who boarded from the rear doors, obviously had that much hand luggage, that they used up lockers designated for people sat in the front section of the plane. :twisted: who were held up outside.

Some of them came on board with "bags" not much smaller in dimensions than my suitcase. :twisted: and they will insist on ramming them into the overhead lockers, squashing and possibly breaking what you have placed inside your bag up there.

There were loads of things I wanted to buy in the resort, but I knew they would be a pain to get home :roll:
Oooooh sorry :oops: but this really does annoy me intensely :oops:
besos xxx
With regard to the amount and size of hand luggage. When we checked in with Easyjet last October a passenger at the next desk was having an argument with the check in staff because they told him his hand luggage was too large and would have to go in the hold. I was really pleased to see that they were inforcing the rule on the size. They stuck to their guns and in the end he went and bought a smaller bag!

A lot of the fault lies with the check in staff as they often turn a blind eye to the size of bag. Also the trouble is that people then go through security and buy up loads of bottles etc. which make a nonsence of the whole procedure of checking hand luggage.

I also get really annoyed when sometime even before the plane has come to a standstill the seatbelts are off and people are out of their seats. Do they not realise that they will have to wait at the carousel for their luggage anyway?

Sadly another case of 'as long as I am ok, mate, who cares about anyone else' decline in British culture. Let's have a little bit more respect for our fellow beings - it will make travelling a lot more pleasant.

All it takes is a bit of common sense, some people have it and sadly some dont,it seems holidays bring out the "idiot" in some people.
I dont get involved in the fight to get off, i wait until most of the pushers have exited before i even get up, i cant see the point.
Its the lie your seat back as far as it will go people that get on my nerves, i am 5ft 10 and have long legs so my knees touch the seat in front when its upright never mind back, and i wont put mine back either nor will i allow the kids to do so, i would feel ignorant towards the people behind me.
A flight to Turkey last year really took the :swear the bloke in front insisted on putting his seat back and was bouncing his seat on my legs, i asked him politely not to do so, he continued and even spilt my coffee, he told me HE had paid for this seat and could lie back if he wanted :shock: my reply was i had paid for mine too not to be scalded and not for to have some one lying on my knee :lol:
The stewardess had a word with him in the end.

Hi Sanji...

Totally agree - we just sit and wait for the rest of the morons to get off the plane - or if I am feeling really cheesed off I will wait until people start to leave the plane then stand up and make them wait for me and my family to move out of our seats :roll:

We very rarely use the overhead lockers though..and usually get to the carousel just as the cases start to arrive - then have to fight through whole families who stand near the thing to try to find a space so we can our cases :x

Hope you had a good time - we are off as usual in August !!

Tina x
It frightens me when I think about an emergency evacuation situation....some of them really have no idea, and God forbid, it would be everyman for himself, because if you wait for some of them, then you would be dead. Fact.!!!

Sanji ... you don't really think that some passengers would waste valuable escape time by going to the overhead lockers for coats and bags, rather than heading to emergency escape chutes ASAP ??

Well, read this from this morning's BBC Scotland news :roll: :roll:


David :wave
I wouldn't understand it either (since you always have to wait at the carousel) but my partner is a smoker. After three hours without a fag they would kill to get off that plane so they can go and find somewhere to light up!
After three hours without a fag they would kill to get off that plane so they can go and find somewhere to light up!

Well I`m a smoker and it doesn`t matter whether you disembark first or last :roll: ... because until you have reclaimed your luggage and gone outside the airport doors, I think you will find that you are not permitted to smoke in airports....infact, I got fed up of this being constantly announced in East Midlands Airport. :roll: :evil: ...and if they had shifted their backsides :evil: and been more efficient off-loading the suitcases, then people wouldn`t have been getting agitated and wanting a fag.!!!!!

I`d rather have a smoker than a drinker sat next to me ....anytime.!!!!
Atleast a smoker is not half comatosed from alcohol in an emergency situation :roll: :wink:
How people can drink large amounts of alcohol at 4 in the morning before boarding an aircraft, has always amazed me.....but that`s another story. :wink:

David...that story doesn`t suprise me one bit. :roll: :roll:

besos xxx
I have been to Alicante Airport many times and seen a no smoking sign, but nobody ever takes any notice of it, including myself, things may be different now it is against the law to smoke in public places, but when one lights up all the smokers follow and have never seen anyone to tell you not to, especially in the arrivals.
That really annoys me - people smoking when there are no smoking signs.

Have a thought for those that do not want to be surrounded by smoke and wait until you are outside the terminal please.

My mom uses a wheelchair, and you would be amazed at how many people need assistance to get on the plane that can hardly walk, yet by the time they have landed they have made a miraculous recovery and are first off the plane, :no the air hostesses always have a laugh about it :lol: i cant believe the cheek of them sometimes :x
I agree with whoever said it that there should be some sort of order to leave the plane

I think that might have been me. People seem to forget that although flying is just another form of transportation, travelling in an aircraft is not like traveling in a Bus or on board a train. Travelling on trains and buses, passengers are getting on and off at various intervals, but seldom all at the same time, unless the train or bus reaches a Terminus.

On baord an aircraft, ALL passengers board at the same Embarkation Point and Disembark at exactley the same destination. An aircraft is a long cylindrical metal tube with limited entrances and exits. Its also my nature, how matter the size of the aircraft, very cramped inside and space is at an absolute premium.

I have never, luckily, experienced an emergency vacuation as yet and I hope I never have to!!, but heaven forbid my chances of survival. If people behave like they do when disembarking from an aircraft on a normal landing, then god only knows how they would behave in a emergency situation.

The Airlines should be forced to introduce some sort of oranised disembarkation of passengers or be refused their licenses to fly. And they should also enforce the what is allowed in overhead lockers rules. I fail to see why airports have all these shops that you can buy large items from AFTER you have checked in and gone through Passport Control. How does one actually get these items on board then? I mean you can buy suitcases in some shops, but what are you supposed to do with them once you are in the departure lounge awaiting your flight to be called? Its nonsensical.
On this subject, my boyfriend and I actually start counting how many seconds it will take for someone to stand up as soon as the plane has landed, and will then stand like an idiot, havin to bend their head down, waiting to get to the damn overhead locker.

And someone always does that - what is it that they have to get their hands on so urgently? A stash of depleted Uranium?

That always gets a smile and a knowing look from us. We can't do anything about people's idiocy, so we have to laugh really. :roll:
Yes, I would agree with you to a certain extent. It is amusing, I would not say funny, watching those idiots all stand up fighting to get to their belongings when they can't actually go anywhere.

But on a more serious note, and getting back to Sanji's original point. This is, in my humble opinion, a very dangerous practice. If a passenger was to suffer a heart attack at that moment, just how would the Flight Attendants reach them? If the passenger fell ill just prior to landing and the flight crew had called for an ambulance, how would the Paramedics reach that passenger amid the chaos and mayhem....ok that may be a bit of a strong word, but its certainly organised chaos.

I appreciate people have been doing this for a long time now, but I think its about time the rules were amended. You are advised to "remain in your seat until the aircraft has come to a complete standstill at the terminal building", but just how many passengers actually do that?

I'm not really sure how this can be enforced, but something has to be done before someone is seriously injured in the mad rush to get off the aircraft.
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