Does anyone know the best deals on where to buy acidophilus capsules now?
They are 6.49 for 100 in Holland And Barret. Sometimes they do them cheaper if they have an offer on. You probobly already knew that. Not very helpful am I
llindabrad, Acidophilus capsules contain the good bacteria which help to protect the gut from bad bacteria.
For the last few years my wife and I have been taking them a month before we go and all the time during our holiday along with a few other things we have since never had a dose of delly belly or such symtems.
I am not saying they work for everyone but for us they have been a godsend.
Hubby and I also take them and have never had an upset tummy. They are great to take if you are taking Doxycycline for Malaria too

I have also got Lysine to prevent any cold sore flare ups
fizzy2 there is only one way to stop cold sores and that is to take Aciclovir tablets.These are available at all chemists for a stupid price,compared to the UK.
If you suffer badly take a long course of tablets,prior to going, and at the first sign of something hit them hard.Tablets are available up to 800mg,I half them and take them as rquired,there are no side effects.
My doctor at home just laughs at the price I pay, he can't afford to prescibe them to me.
I have suffered for years,especially in the sun, but no longer, just keep taking the pills.
Any further advice be quick I'm off in the morning.

They are all at a very reasonable price. My o/h and I have been taken them for a few weeks so we will see if they help.
Its also a very tasty range of products.I better tell you the name, stupid me,OPTIFIT.

They really help and are recommended for overseas travel.
Thanks for the replies, I don't suffer from cold sores normally but had a really bad one this year that became infected and ever since then, when I feel run down I get that dreaded tingling. As I don't want to risk another one I thought I would give Lysine a try. Lets hope it works. I have started taking them and the acidophilus so I'm hoping all angles are now covered
Hi when i was younger we had a , Acidophilus but it died
The ones I have had from Goa just don't have the amount of bacterias as the one we get at home however I am sure they are bound to help, a little is better than nothing,
Fizzy the first time I took them I didnt start until the day before our hols but they still had effect I take them well before now just because it makes me feel more confident I'm not going to get the galloping gut rot.

I have stopped taking everything at the mo, had the DR. out today and I have bronchitis - god I feel rough. I want the tablets he's prescibed far more than the others at the moment (and thats coming from someone who hates taking anything). Please God I will be okay for Saturday. Fizz
A balanced healthy diet is all that is required for a healthy gut with it's full compliment of healthy bacteria.
Acidophilus is often sold in health stores in pill or powder form as a nutritional supplement. A part of the claims in favour of such treatment refer to attaining a better digestion thanks to a recovered normal intestinal flora, the ensuing reduction of constipation, while others indicate a link between L. acidophilus and a possible decrease in the incidence of certain diseases, including yeast infections in the upper digestive tract (especially those caused by Candida albicans), other gastrointestinal disorders, and a weakened immune system. However, despite popular belief, most researchers agree that the present knowledge on the nutritional benefits of taking L. acidophilus supplements is inconsistent and inconclusive, and that further study is needed before substantiating many of these claims.
Fizzy 2. Sorry to hear you are not well. Hope you are ok for Saturday. Keep taking the tablets. I think knowing i am going to Goa would bring about a sudden recovery!!
The proof of the pudding is in the taking and since we started taking them three years ago we haven't suffered one attack of the runs I am no doctor and do not profess to know about guts and digestive systems like you do but I do know what works for me and my wife
Oh and by the way we do have a very healthy diet.

In my opinion it's tosh - 'cos I have never used them in 10 years and I've never had any problems.
I am very careful about where I eat though.
I was advised to take them before my trip to Egypt by my Doctor.
I was advised to take them before my trip to Egypt by my Doctor
Doctors used to prescribe leeches.

Your doctor obviously believes the hype.
My doctor says "the only time you might need probiotics is after a course of anti-biotics, in a normal healthy gut - it produces all the flora it needs without any help."
If you read the quotation again - it says that " present knowledge is inconsistent and inconclusive."
No probiotic is going to help you, if your food has been prepared by someone with dirty hands - it's anti-biotics you need.

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