First question is: my 20 year old son was due to come with us, but has now changed his mind. My 17 year old daughter wants one of her friends to come with us in his place. Will this be simply a name change or will there be more to it than this?
Second question: same 17 year old daughter wants another friend to come out to Benidorm for the 2nd week we are there, 25th July to 1st August. I have booked her flights so she comes back on the same flight as us. There do not appear to be any rooms free at Levante Beach Hotel, so I have been searching for a room nearby to book for her. The cheapest I can find in the are is the Mont Park Hotel, which is £175 for half board.
This seems a bit of a waste, as she will probably spend all her time with us in our apartment. However, I am reluctant to say she can stay in our apartment in case we get caught and they throw us out!! All she really needs is somewhere, doesn't matter really what it is like, so that if we get caught with her in our room, we can truthfully say that she has her own accommodation. The Mont Park is half board, and don't seem to do a self catering option. This will be such a waste, as obviously she won't be eating there on her own.
Can any of you professional travellers advise me? The sooner the better as I need to book her somewhere as soon as possible.
Thanks for listening.
Best wishes