Hi there I would appreciate it if anyone could give me some advice please
my partner had chest pains a few weeks ago and was admitted to casualty, ecg came back fine and so did the blood tests results however, a week later the same happened again and to cut a long story short he may have Angina, waiting to see what happens wednesday after stress test.
However he is worried about going away this september incase he turns bad while we are there, what I would like to know is has anybody out there have a partner who has angina or has it themselves and still travels abroad?
Obviously if the doctor advises against travel we will just cancel the hol, am I worrying too much or not?
thanks in advance
My husband has angina he was diagnosed a few years ago,fortunately it is now very well controlled with medication and he tries to eat healthy etc.We always go abroad for our holidays and he often finds he feels much better in himself due to the warm weather,relaxation etc.Just make sure the GP is happy for your husband to fly and ensure you have adequate insurance,your husband will also proberbly need a fit to fly letter.If you want to discuss any further,you are more than welcome to PM me.
If the doctors say your husband can travel, go ahead, stop worrying and enjoy your holiday.
I would try not to worry too much about it until it's a confirmed diagnosis. Ensure that the Doctor is 100% happy with your travel arrangements. If he advises against going September, then take his advice. It's easy enough to arrange another holiday, when your husband will be fit and well, and symptoms are controlled. If it turns out that it is angina, most cases are controlled by medications, and he'll be able to continue with a relatively normal life, knowing his own limitations. Most angina attacks, show some changes on an ecg, or there's a rise in Troponin T level, which is detected during a blood test. Your doctor should have tested for this! You don't say how old your husband is, or if he's fit and well apart from this. Depending on those type of factors, they may even perform a procedure called an angiogram, which is a common procedure where they look at the coronary arteries, to determine if there are any blockages. They'll determine whether it is angina first though. Does he smoke? Does he eat a healthy low fat diet? Hope this helps a bit.
Whether your husband is diagnosed with angina or not I'm afraid you will have to declare these investigations to your travel insurance for any future travel.
My husband is 47 and was quite fit and healthy before this happened, he did however have slightly high cholestorol and ate quite bad foods but now he is on special diet
I think my husband is more worried than me about going abroad as he thinks he might take bad when we are there and wouldn't be to come home as quick as he would like to
I will wait for a diagnosis before going to the tour operator to inform them of his condition and if he is still happy to travel which I hope he will be as my kids are quite upset at the moment.
If it's not Angina we still want to know what is causing the pains, mostly starts off with feeling sick and sweating, and aches in his left arm so I think I have convinced myself that it is Angina.I know it is easier said than done but I keep telling him not to worry about it as I think this is making him worse

yes I would let them know anyway as to the outcome as it would put our minds at rest knowing we had told them and that we adequately covered ,I'm hoping as a last resort that this will just be a bad case of indigestion but not looking that way

Easier said than done, but tell your husband to relax, as stress and worry can bring on angina attacks. Good luck.x
Thanks for that I have tried to tell him to relax, he seems to just get on with things as normal but I do think it plays on the back of his mind
Thanks again x

my grandma has angina and she is 88 and still going strong, just thought it might reduce your`e future worries..
It isn't the Tour Operator you need to tell, it's the Insurance company - even if he has nothing actually diagnosed. If you find yourself in the scenario where he feels OK and the doctors haven't announced the cause but then something goes wrong on holiday you won't be covered. Now that he has started treatment and has had tests you must tell them what you know (but not what you suspect or fear - do not mention angina or anything else if the doctors haven't told you to!). Make sure you get a written response. Do this even if the doctors say it's OK to travel.
As the others have said, he'll probably be OK but if you don't declare it he won't be insured.
She told him that the consultant would have a look at the results then send a copy to our doctor, is this normal practice?
Also how long do you think it will take for them to send the results to our doctor?, I'm sorry to be a pain I just want things sorted asap so I know where we stand with our hols
Sometimes the results are back within a few days, especially as a lot of results can be given via computer link, if the Gp practice and the hospital use the same system. If you don't hear anything I would ring in 5 days, they can only say no they're not ready, as I'm sure the sooner you get them the better for you and your husband.
husband been to the doctors today as he was feeling breathless last night and was worried once again
I asked the GP if he had heard anything from the hospital and he told us that it can take up to a few weeks, however he said there is a possibility that my husband is suffering from Anxiety as he listened to his heart again today and took his blood pressure and said everything his heart sounded fine and his blood pressure was fine aswell, but said he couldn't say 100% till the results come back, I know they sounds daft but I'm hoping it is just Anxiety then we can sort out the medication etc
That episode could very well have been an anxiety attack! He must be worrying and on tender hooks waiting for his results. It doesn't mean however that the previous episodes are anxiety attacks too. But as you said between the two, anxiety attacks would be the preferred option.
I forgot to mention that the twice my husband was admitted to hospital his ECG and blood tests were fine that's why they wanted him to do a treadmill test, they also asked him if he had been worrying about anything or stressed out and he replyed 'our lass thinks i'm always stressed'

never mind I will keep on at the doctor til we get the results.
Remember that even if it is just anxiety, you will still need to declare it to your travel insurance.
And can i just say whilst we are on the subject,i tried lots of holiday insurance this year and all were well over £100 for the 4 of us because of my son but a company called ensure and go have insured us for £40

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