Hi Dave & John
We were on the Spirit June 2004, we got the AI free cos we had booked so early. I have to say, that it was great for us, as my friend has 2 kids (8 & 13) so they had their own AI card, and could get juice whenever they wanted it, and as the card was marked "child" there was no fear of them getting cocktails, unless they were the "virgin" kind!
It saved us from having to wonder how much it was going to cost, as it was pre paid. And it meant the boys could have as much as they wanted. It was also good for us, as we didn't have to wonder how much the "bar tab" was going to be.
We never set out to "get our money's worth"..........a few people did, especially on our 2nd week, it was just nice to know we didn't have a hefty bar bill at the end.
I agree, that if you got to know a particular bar member, they would give you large vino instead of regular, but they knew we could consume it, by the amount of regular glasses we had over the period of the cruise!
We were even lucky enough one night to be sent over an expensive port, courtesy of Gregory the Maitre'D from Compass Rose.
and even Haris the Assistant Bar Manager got me a drink, without me having to sign the slip (makes you feel like a superstar by the time the cruise is over, cos you have to keep autographing!!!!

One concern I do have though is how do they control someone who is drunk and requesting more alcohol, as on our 2nd week an older man who was very well oiled insulted a child, and when his parents complained to Management (not bar management) they were told that they could not stop the man from enjoying his holiday!!!! Thus meaning he could drink from 10am till 2am ????? I do believe there is a cell downstairs, so would the Captain have the right to intervene in this event?
I mean...if you go into a pub drunk they would refuse you more, but management basically said that wasnt the case onborad.
Georgi maybe your thoughts on this would be good, as you see it from the other side.