We had the same problem as thewhartons with the keyring having been completely sealed! Worked alright though, it was nicely chilled within a couple of minutes. Ours was £20 for the week, definately worth it to sleep well!
However, when we went to Gumbet last year, the 'individually controlled air conditioning' which had been promised in the brochure, turned out to be a fan on a stand...
I've heard you have to pay for air conditioning in self catering apartments in Turkey. I'm staying in the St Nicholas Gardens apts in Hisaronu, can anyone tell me about prices
Returned recently from Side,same thing paying air con locally.They had really hiked up the cost,we payed £85 for 2 weeks....Been to Hisaronu last 5 years,usual cost was about 2 quid a night,so got a big shock! Friends went to Hisaronu yesterday and they checked the cost £35 a week..So it may be worth a phone call to check.
I am a first timer to Turkey, travelling to the St Nicholas Park s/c appartments in Hisaronu on 22nd August. Can anyone tell me what the local charge is for air-conditioning? I have e-mailed the hotel/appts but had no reply yet and First Choice cannot tell me either.
I paid £3 a day in Marmaris. Worth it, but the mistake I made was to pay for the whole fortnight at once. Would probably have ended up getting it everyday anyway, but could maybe have saved a few quid the days I was hardly going to be in the room.
Staying at the Avlu4 and they have put the price of the air conditioning on the site 3.50 pound per day if you add this to what you can pay for the safety deposit box you are looking at nearly 100 pound for the 2 weeks before you have a drink.
Its so unfair having to pay extra for air conditioning!
Have to admit to not paying and ending up tossing and turning a few nights. However - a little tip for staying cool - spray yourself all over with the lemon cologne. Or dampen one of your towels and lay this over your body - it will have you shivering in no time :-)
We have recently paid our electricity bill in altinkum (a three bed apartment). three weeks use has cost us about £10. we have air con in every room. where on earth do they get their prices from, the hotel and apartments are making loads of money from people.
this tenner included lights, cooking etc.
But there again I have only ever used the air conditioning once - i cant stand it. Even one August when the temps were hitting 50 I never had it. I prefer to sleep "au natural" with windows and door open. A thick coat of sinkov and Im set for the night
Hi, just booked for next year Hotel Serpina in Gumbet & was wondering if anyone knew the prices they charge for aircon, never had to pay seperate before,
The hotel has a great review, not sure about gumbet though,