Just another spell correction from the original post: it's not "Selema" but Salema
Giving you my portuguese view of the Algarve, I'd recomend you explore more of the eastern coast, as it's not so turistical and from Faro to Spain most of the coastal area is a natural protected area (more fresh air to breathe and cleaner waters). Albufeira, Lagos, Portimão and Faro are out of my map for being too busy, too noisy, too dirty :p Strangely that's exactly where most foreigner tourists are sent to
Of course Monchique is always lovely, as Silves (don't miss a short visit at least - it's hot being away from the sea but the castle is so nice) and the beaches near Sagres and Odeceixe. But Manta Rota, Altura, Cacela-a-Velha, Vila Real de Santo Antonio, Castro Marim and even Monte Gordo (being busier with the casino and all) are so much more fun if you want good beaches, great food, fabulous prices and honestly the best vacations (I shouldn't tell you this, should I? LOL) IMHO.