We had friends visit South Goa early in the year and we went to North Goa in April.
We have exchanged experiences and it is clear that both areas are very different. They enjoyed the beaches whereas we weren't very impressed with the beaches, ( spoilt by Kenya and Sri Lanka), but enjoyed the hustle and bustle.
Where do you go, North or South, and why?
If you've done both, care to share your experiences and tell us why you prefer one over the other?
People who generally go to the South in my opinion like their creature comforts ie; 4/5* Hotels. For me I prefer the North as there is more to do.
But for me there was something missing in the South compared to the North that I can't put my finger on. Although we had a great time time and I have to say it was great to be able to walk along a beach which in some parts was deserted. It was much quieter in the South but for me the North is best. I love the hustle and bustle and generally feel happier and more relaxed there. Fellow holiday makers in Cavelossim that had ventured North said they found it too busy and nosiy and chaotic and preferred the south. I have found from chatting to people out there that wherever you pick for your first time whether North or South that seems to be where you want to go back to year after year. Many people i have spoken to in Candolim say they love it so much they don't want to go south and vice versa in Cavelossim. I guess this is because whether North or South you meet the Goan people who as we all know are fantsatic and make your holiday special whichever resort you are staying in.
As these posts are from two years ago, I'm really interested to know if it's still true , that if you spent your first holiday in the North, that is where you will return , year after year. And the same with the South.
From what ive heard about south, i think its aimed at those wanting a relaxing holiday, lazy days on the beach etc.
As im still quite young, i want to do more than that. thats why i return to North goa every year.
Ive been to both and prefer the North. Now sure what it is because the South was really lovely. On one of my hols I spent the first week in the South and the second in the North and when the taxi arrived in the North I felt like I'd come home. I like a bit of everything.....relaxation, good food, honeybee, good company and enough to do at night. The South has all that but for me couldn't compare to the vibrancy of the North (I have friends who are exact opposite and hated the North..). Then again my first trip ever to Goa was to the North so maybe it is true that you prefer the place you first went. Can't honestly say I've been anywhere in Goa that I havn't liked.
ive been to both but i prefer the north as i like to people watching and theres plenty of people in the north, but i have to say the south is so beautiful an relaxing whereas the north is more alive and very busy
I prefer the South (and we don't spend all day in our hotel/resort) I liked the feel of Baga a few years ago but wouldn't stay there now if you paid me.
When you run your own Business the last thing you want on Holiday is busy manic streets and bars full of People. We just want to Chill out on a Beach (didnt spend one day around the pool in the resort we only slept there) ,with food and drink at our fingertips

Saying that though, I wouldn't mind a day there just to see what its like.
I can only say the north because i have only visted goa once, WE heard many people who had been south said it was nice and quiet but lots more mozzies we where told this 3 or 4 times whilst we where there by diffirent people, And our taxi driver was telling us about a couple that he had to go and fetch from the south and find them accomodation in the north as it had no atmosphere there in the south they had been there a about 10 days. And he said the lady was covered from head to toe in mozzie bites and she was using one of the best sprays and lotions her husband to had bites but not so many . We have now booked goa for xmas and easter and both times its back to bagga. dont ask me why because i cant tell you i was drawn in with it and swollowed


In the north we stayed at the Goan Heritage which we liked because it was close to the beach and our favourite shack (Johnny's) was just outside the gate at the back of the hotel.
We liked the hustle and bustle and general buzz of the north. We also loved the variety of restaurants.
We have no complaints about the beach in the north.
We stopped going because it became just too noisy for us and the constant interruptions from the beach sellers (even when we were in the shack) got on our pip. It stops being fun after a while as some of the beach sellers would get annoyed if they saw you buying from one and not from them.
One thing we found by staying in the south is that you do not get the variety of the things sold on the beach. For example, we could only find the stone carved animals in the shop in the hotel, while in the north they are sold on the beach. I like to buy a few and give them out as presents. The stone carved owls and frogs are really loved by the people here who have received them as gifts.
With the south I like the tranquility (I know this contradicts what I said about what I like about the north). We stay at the Majorda Beach resort, where you do have your creature comforts (when they do not run out of water, especially on the morning when you depart for home and you cannot shower!).
The beach is lovely and you do not get pestered too much by beach sellers like you do in the north. I can read a large chunk of a book before someone comes over to show us their bits and bobs.
The shack owners and their staff have more time to speak to you.
Another big difference between the north and south is there are not as many restaurants as you get in the north and they tend to be a bit more expensive as they do not have the competition (but the quality of the food is just as good as the north). Due to the lack of restaurants, there is the tendency to stay around the hotel or on the beach at night as we did. By doing this you do not get to meet as many of the locals as you would if you stay in the north.
I have never ever been bitten in the eight years I have been to Goa (I hope I haven't tempted fate). I think it is a case of being sensible and not being out when you are likely to be bitten. It could be of course, that I am a tough old bird and the mossies don't like me.
We liked the fact that you are not too far from the airport and after a long flight that is a good thing (especially if you have a taxi and not the coach to take you there).
Very soon we will have to decide whether to stay in the north or the south next year. I suspect we may decide to stay one week in each.

As these posts are from two years ago, I'm really interested to know if it's still true , that if you spent your first holiday in the North, that is where you will return , year after year. And the same with the South.
I guess your first time to Goa, either North or South does have some sort of bearing on your return trips as this where you get your first impressions of what Goa is about, I don't know about everyone else but, Goa was the first place I've been on holiday to that I actually wanted to go back to on the next holiday, never had that feeling on any other holiday. By the way, I always stay South, where I first stayed in Goa.
Our first visit was to the South and we have gone back twice a year. On my last trip I was with my daughter and we went up to the North and stayed for a couple of days, meeting up with friends and although we had a brilliant time, did a lot of shopping etc and shopping is certainly better up north - and cheaper - I personally still prefer the South. It's much more relaxed and you do get time to talk to all of your friends there. I personally don't think I'd come back feeling so relaxed if I stayed in the North for all of my holiday. But no matter if it's North or South - Goa has it's own special charm.
I do love Palolem though and my perfect holiday is to stay in the north but travel down to Palolem for a night or two , I have to say Palolem is the most beautiful beach I have ever seen and I love the laid back vibe, shirleyv
I've been North and South and loved the peace and tranquility of the South but prefer the North for the hustle and bustle. There's alot more to do in the North.
We have only been to the north, and find that if we want a quiet day you can go to a beach where yo can relax , But we like all the bars and shop's on a night, and sit in a bar and watch everyone go buy. While haveing a kingfisher or two.
North for us much more to do and see, We can relax in the back garden with a bucket of sand(and we do most week ends) but at the end of the day its horses for courses, we live a hectic life but we can unwind by sitting back and watching other people bustle around, OK we are a bit strange

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