You must be having a dim day......
We are talking of the yearly figures, not a few months in the summer.
26-45............... ....21·1%/ 70·3 %
Married couples: 49·6 % / 32·3%
60 + ......................51·3 %/62·.0 %
So over the course of a year 155.8% of people are over 26 (not just a few months in the summer, even though it says 'Summer' in the table previously posted).
Ages of tourists .... Winter¦Summer
26-45............... ....21·1%¦70·3 %
46·60................ .. 27·8 %¦23·5 %
60 + ......................51·3 %¦62·.0 %
Glad that's all cleared up.

Or have you ever stayed in hotels in Benidorm during different times of the year and noted the average age of majority of the guests.?
Glad that's cleared up.
Your post is a perfect example.
Most people would have just accepted what was posted, a few would have questioned the figures, as I did.
Even fewer would have picked up the mistake in the placement of the decimal point for the age group 60+ for summer.
70.3% + 23.5% + 6.2% = 100%
(At this point I should thank the mathematics department of the European University at Montreux, Switzerland. For their paitience with me!)
GOD help me then was there in july on a stag do and no one was sick,caused trouble or bothered any one in the 3 days we were there. now next year there is 12 of us off on anothere stag do 5th to the 8th june staying at the rialto (loverly hotel } and it still will be on the 9th of june cause we go to have fun and get on with everyone and are well behaved people aged 26 to 46 most own there own bussiness,s and the rest work off shore we just love to have a good time and we will but we will not spoil anyone else,s holidays
An interesting thread this one, spoke to a few friends who live and have businesses in Benidorm and it appears that this <riot> didn't even occur
I never said it was a riot. I said a number of bars were targeted, the Liverpool Arms most certainly was. I popped into the Stretford Arms (Old Town not Calle Londres) and was disturbed by the attitude of what was going on there
Again, I have to agree with the Fiesta comments, the invasion of the groups in November is disturbing, I always book the Deloix as I know it'll be ok (though I don't stay there for pleasure visits, but don't read into that)
I used to love the Dynastic (the first time around....and then new one) but after a few stays I've totally gone off it. Filled with drunken stags and horny hens.
I'd hate to see Benidorm go the way of Magalluf. It seems to be on its way to turning itself around does ol' Benidorm and yeah some of the problems are the same as when i first visited in the 70s but there's a lot more too
Those of us that go to Benidorm and are well behaved give British people a good name and I'm sure the people that live/work in Benidorm know that the vast majority of British people are very well behaved. It is absolutley ridiculous to say your ashamed to British in my opinion. Well behaved British people far outweigh the few idiots that can't behave themselves so as a British person I hold my head high in Benidorm as I will be judged on my own and my familys actions not those of the odd moron who just happens to come from the same country as me.
Edited by
2008-11-29 07:30:28
Being ashamed of your nationality is, ironically, typical and almost exclusive to the British.
Perhaps that is a small part of the problem. Perhaps the younger generation do not have role models that are proud of their Country of birth. Perhaps it is for that reason that they do not see themselves as representatives of a proud Nation when they go abroad. Maybe if they did there would be less bad behaviour.
Don't believe me?
Try telling a Spanish person ‘You are not like the other Spanish', and see if it is taken as a compliment!
Be ready to duck!
Most countries think we are a Nation of p*** heads, stop kidding yourself, go take a stroll around a few foreign forums.
Being ashamed of your nationality is, ironically, typical and almost exclusive to the British.
I really do like people who say that, when they don't live in the UK, they really have no idea how far this country is in the

Perhaps the younger generation do not have role models that are proud of their Country of birth
Perhaps a percentage of them don't have any allegiance to the UK at all, they might be born here, but that's as far as it goes.!
Maybe you're right about having role models, I think we are onto the second generation government benefit inspired one parent role models.
But, what can you expect when we are not even allowed to fly the flag in case we upset someone, we are so politically correct that we are the laughing stock of the world.... Common Purpose and dumbing down of the citizens breeds the morons.
Try telling a Spanish person ‘You are not like the other Spanish', and see if it is taken as a compliment!
Go to Barcelona and say it, or better still go say it in the Basque region. When Spain won the Euro 2008 , it was highly publicised throughout the Spanish media, that football had for a short time united a nation
Levante area around the square/hotel Marina is known by the Spanish as the British ghetto, I think it would open some of your eyes if you visited a few Spanish forums
If other nations want to judge all British people on the antics of a minority of British drunks they see in Benidorm or anywhere else for that matter then that is a very narrow minded and pathetic attitude. The vast majority of British people are very respctable and well behaved.
Like I said previously I have seen people in Benidorm from all sorts of different countries, including Spain, acting like idiots but I don't judge a whole nation on the antics of a few. If others choose to then that is just pathetic.
This is a probably a good time to close this discussion, rather than allow some of the petty bickering and disagreements to continue. Several personal insults and offensive remarks have also had to be removed from earlier posts.

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