Well, a quiet few days of business for me and I chose once again the Deloix as my base.
Ventured into Benidorm on Monday night and found it to be rather full of Manchester United fans (Utd facing Villareal the following evening, a nice drive away)
Anyhoo, onto point, I witnessed, the Liverpool Arms smashed to bits by these narrow minded thugs, a number of the Yorkshire based bars were attacked too but this pub was really set upon and I'd heard at the Airport the next door that lot of the Yorkshire and Liverpool themed/based bars were attacked. This bar was in some state after I left
At the end of the day this is one of your fellow countrymen trying to earn a living in another country, surely you should respect that
After viewing the incident I put it down to too much drink from a few idiots, but there were more than few there.
These morons really don't deserve a place like Benidorm.
(My business party and I, which included several Spaniards, have all forwarded our details onto the bar owners in respect of insurance purposes)
What a complete bunch of knob heads they are.
A lot of bars/businesses out there are having a hard time at the moment and could do without pi****ks like these making it even harder.

Liverpool arms ,is that the one on the same road as benidorm palace ?
Thats the one I think it is.
My husband watched the football in there in October and he said it was nice bar and had not been open long. What a shame, what idiots.
These morons really don't deserve a place like Benidorm.
True and Benidorm doesn't deserve them either...
Some people shouldn't be let out of the country and passport applications should be rejected indefinitely, and until they can hold their beer and behave, we should keep them in this country because morons like this give everybody a bad name.
I'm heading out there soon and you've just reminded me why I avoid the British like the plague, except the few in the hotel...to be sociable like.

Ashamed to be British? Afraid so and I have been for quite some time.
This is probably coming over as some snotty c*w, but when the Spanish tell me "I'm not like the other British".......
All I can say to that is "gracias a Dios" (thank God)

An interesting thread this one, spoke to a few friends who live and have businesses in Benidorm and it appears that this <riot> didn't even occur ! Sanji I have always respected your comments and even supported you in the past but feel you are losing sight of the fact that Benidorm is no longer just for reserved and polite people like yourself anymore and indeed is now probably supported financially by the stags and hens which invade and enjoy Benidorm! Unfortunately that is a way of life so you either accept and still enjoy or you become bitter and twisted like so many people on this site have now become. I have visited and seen the changes over many years like yourself but I will not let it spoil the fun and excitement I have shared with friends and loved ones. For every one plonker that you meet you will find 100 who are great fun. And finally I am certainly not ashamed to be British.
Unfortunately that is a way of life so you either accept and still enjoy or you become bitter and twisted like so many people on this site have now become.
Sorry, but NO, I don't have to accept it, this is the "common purpose" brainwashing where we all have to sit back and say nothing. The Spanish might have to because it's their job on the line and the ex-pats making a living might have too, but I certainly don't.
I will never lower my standards to accept people who perform acts of debauchery, defecate on the beach, vomit all over the place, fight with anyone and generally act like knuckle draggers.
If you loved Benidorm, then you'd hate what these kind of people are doing to it.
There is nothing wrong with stag and hen parties in principle, a group of people out for a good time, but when some of them act like wildlife under the influence of alcohol and spoilt it for others, then no way will I say I accept it, or should have to accept it.
Others might think it's OK, I don't and have no intentions of ever defending them for not only disgracing themselves, but also the British nation.
You only have to look at the country (Britain) and the morals that have sunk into the cess pit...so if I'm bitter and twisted, bring it on because I still know how to enjoy myself and not make myself look and act like a

Sanji that is exactly my point! Please don't be offended I like your goodself am entitled to my view, it is not only the british who are spoiling things, but I am a realist and have accepted that I can not change the way people behave anywhere in the world but I certainly am not going to let it interfere with something I have enjoyed for years which is visiting and enjoying Benidorm, with a bit of luck the nasty ones will find another destination to ruin, that will please us but upset the people who enjoy that particular resort.
Please don't be offended I like your goodself am entitled to my view,
I'm not offended John and yes you are entitled to your view.
I myself have been giving this forum a miss, I obviously wasn't missed.

Ibiza, Faliraki, Magaluf...they've (resorts) all been there too and I still managed to have a good time in all these places avoiding the morons, I avoid the places in Benidorm too, but there's not really alot you can do about it if there's 2 or 3 stag parties in your hotel.
I wouldn't say that stag parties are supporting Benidorm, they might be supporting a few selected bars or bars in the square.
But, on the yearly statistics, I would say that families and pensioner's support Benidorm.
Ask the hotels who they'd rather have as guests.

IMO: In groups under the influence of alcohol, some of them act like pack animals...but of course being tanked up, they have no idea what they are doing.
They embarrass me, simple as that.
As Sanji says a lot of older people go to Benidorm and don't want to see hooligans like that around. They aren't genuine football fans acting like that. I just hope they caught the culprits and take their passports from them.
I wouldn't say that stag parties are supporting Benidorm, they might be supporting a few selected bars or bars in the square.
But, on the yearly statistics, I would say that families and pensioner's support Benidorm.
Sorry Sanji, I know that we are friends but I have to disagree with you on this one. People who go on stag and hen parties probably spend more in a few days than what most pensioners do in a fortnight. Most are single people who only have to pay a few quid in board to their parents so have much more disposable income than families and pensioners.
In my experience, I cannot compare football hooligans to stag/hen parties as the former are morons and the latter are just out to have a good time.
Yeh they do get rather drunk and loud but I have never seen any trouble amongst them whilst I've been there. I've also seen them all over Benidorm and not just in and around the square. They are supporting businesses who may otherwise have gone under especially with the exchange rate been so low and people holidaying elsewhere.
IMO most bar owners are grateful that stag/hen parties are frequenting Benidorm while ever they are spending money they are welcoming them with open arms.
Football Hooligans are in an entirely different catogory, they
should all be hung, drawn and quartered.


I myself have been giving this forum a miss, I obviously wasn't missed.
I've missed you on here, the place isn't the same without you.
I dont always agree with Sanji, but in this instance I do. I am so ashamed to be british when I see the morons falling all over the place and fighting, be it football holligans or stags and hens.I have been going to Spain and her islands since the early 70's and even when I was young and single I have never behaved like these people today.When I see people( I use the term people loosely) behaving this way I keep my mouth shut and pretend I'm anything but British.

Sue, sorry but I'm going to have to agree to disagree with you.
Football parties/Stag/hen parties are the sharp shock syndrome, they come for a short period, they might spend quite a lot in the bars, but the people who are benefiting from that, is the bar owners.
When these people cause damage outside or vomit in the street, it's the local council who pick up the bill cleaning up after them, so any benefit is wiped out in the cost of cleaning up their mess, a good example is the new beach rules....350 arrests on the beach and 5 tons of extra rubbish left behind by them...in one year...just on Levante beach alone.
These small groups of people do not fill an aeroplane, week in week out, all year long.
They do not occupy a hotel for a week or 2 weeks.
Taking a yearly statistic, they are in the minority.
This happened in Ibiza a few years ago and in the end the council shut down a few disco/nightclubs because the services became over stretched and it was costing them more to clean up after them.
The police were deployed in places when they should have been in other places and the ambulance service was spending manpower picking up half comatosed young people from off the streets, and stretched to the limit where folks having an heart attack were not reached in time.
I can't bring the National statistics up at the moment, typically the site is not loading for me, but referring to a post I made previously.I think these figures are for 2006.
Ages of tourists .... Winter¦Summer
26-45............... ....21·1%¦70·3 %
46·60................ .. 27·8 %¦23·5 %
60 + ......................51·3 %¦62·.0 %
Married couples: Winter 49·6 % and 32·3% Summer.
Families : Winter 21·10% and Summer 36·2%
The rest made up of friends, singles and groups.
So, who is supporting Benidorm calculating on the whole year.? I'd say it was people from the age of 46 +, married couples (winter and summer,) but the tourists over the age of 60 years old both during winter and summer are the backbone of Benidorm.
Edit: typo error
Edited by
2008-11-28 16:47:45
60+ is the backbone of Benidorm so that makes me one of them
This is supposed to be a Family Hotel but I wouldnt have taken our grandson there.
Fortunately we could use the other hotels in the chain which didnt seem to have the same problem for some reason.
Villa Benidorm had the right idea and refused to serve a large male group from our hotel.
With 24 hr All inclusive the mess the place was in by morning was shocking. It hasnt put me off Benidorm but I just wish they would not put these animals in family hotels so they can destroy decent peoples holidays.

My previous post should read.........
Last August, there were more than 350 arrests related to alcohol consumption by people who were partying on the beaches during the night
They left over five tons of trash during last July and August alone.
Not in one year as I previously stated.
I like to get my facts right

In summer 70.3% of people are aged 26-45
23.5% are 46-60
62% are over 60
So, without taking into account anyone under 26 we are already at the figure of 155.8% of people are aged over 26?.......Curious!
Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't believe any statistics anyway!!!!.

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