.......has anyone done this? as I read in the newspaper today that if you don't want to pay top wack for a hot drink take teabags or some coffee and just ask for some hot water.
Was wondering if they would provide a cup or do you take your own?
If you can't afford the price of a cup of tea.....................Should you really be going away on holiday?
might be saving a few pounds.
The report I read suggested buying snacks airside and asking for hot water on the plane, which seems fair enough to me.
Not sure what sort of deal you have on your flights, but I've never been charged for hot drinks, and come to think of it I don't pay for alcoholic drinks either.
i,d be to embarrassed to ask for hot water then put my own tea bag in it but each to their own.
ironman wrote:Not sure what sort of deal you have on your flights, but I've never been charged for hot drinks, and come to think of it I don't pay for alcoholic drinks either.
Many charter companies charge now for meals and drinks as do the cut price ones (ie. Ryanair and Easyjet).
Most scheduled airlines still offer drinks and food free but I have noticed the trend with some of the US airlines to charge for items that used to be free.
ironman wrote:If you can't afford the price of a cup of tea.....................Should you really be going away on holiday?
What a rude answer, you have no idea of the financial circumstances of people travelling, some airlines charge up to 3GBP for a drink and for a family on a tight budget that could add up to quite a lot. Are you suggesting that people shouldn't really go on holiday if they don't have money to throw around.
I must admit I had not thought about the price of coffee/tea on a flight - I always chose to pay for the meals so therefore included in the price of that, and the snacks etc, they may be a little over priced but I guess you either pay for them or you don't - it's like food and drinks at theme parks etc, everyone knows they charge silly money for a fizzy pop but some people pay some people don't - its down to personal choice I guess.
I used to work as cabin crew for XL and we used to get asked for hot water all the time and had no problem giving it to passengers. We'd also give them a plastic cup if they needed one. It was normally because people had their own tea bags or to heat up milk for babies.
Juduth.........................Yes i am!
I think it's a ludicrous thread.
I wouldn't lower myself on any aircraft to ask for hot water to make a cup of tea with a teabag in my hand.
I wouldn't ask for hot water, but I wouldn't make mean spirited comments to someone who had a lower budget than myself.
As Laura mentioned people do ask for hot water on a flight :cheers. Not sure if I would have the nerve though.
ironman, Please be aware that not all threads are meant to be taken too seriously.
Sorry if I sounded really tightfisted!!!
cazB wrote:I posted this thread in a light hearted manner, never dreaming someone would find it ludicrous.
As Laura mentioned people do ask for hot water on a flight :cheers. Not sure if I would have the nerve though.
ironman, Please be aware that not all threads are meant to be taken too seriously.
Sorry if I sounded really tightfisted!!!
Caz you didn't sound tight fisted at all - I took it in th spirit it was intended which was light hearted - I shouldn't worry

A friend of mine actually only drinks boiled water,even first thing in the morning when most of us are dying for a cup of tea or coffee.
Honestly when I was crew we didn't bat an eyelid when someone asked for hot water. That was one of the more normal requests, you'd be surprised what people asked for!
Laura1988 wrote:Honestly when I was crew we didn't bat an eyelid when someone asked for hot water. That was one of the more normal requests, you'd be surprised what people asked for!
sounds like you could make a whole different thread on this alone, would like to read it too

A friend of mine actually only drinks boiled water,even first thing in the morning when most of us are dying for a cup of tea or coffee.
I never realised that you know my Mum! Seriously, my Mum drinks a lot of plain hot water now instead of tea or coffee because her taste buds have been affected by medication and she's now gone off the taste of some things she used to love (can't touch really spicy food now yet in the past she loved it) and as I take my tea black and weak, we often ask for just hot water. Her to drink and me to dilute the tea and while I got some funny looks from Cubana cabin crew once, they didn't refuse - I just think that they found it odd that anybody would want to drink tea as weak as I do! We've never been refused on any airline that we've asked for it, regardless of whether we were having meals or not. Perhaps next time I should just take my own teabags to make sure that I get tea as weak as I like :-)
Why bother with the water, just pop the tea bag in your mouth
If you went into a restauirant would you sit down and then ask for a cup of hot water, i'm sure there would be a charge . but its worth a try , nothing ventured nothing gained . I know when we used to travel by coach to spain they didn't like it if you asked for hot water if you had taken your won pot noodles and flasks on board . Holidays are expensive enough when you have a family and on a tight budget .
A friend of mine actually only drinks boiled water,even first thing in the morning when most of us are dying for a cup of tea or coffee.
My first drink of the day is always a mug of hot water, sometimes with a squeeze of lemon. I rarely drink tea, like SM if I do it has to be very weak. I always have to have the first cup out of the pot when visiting friends. My MIL always says she just needs to show the hot water a tea bag and the tea will be strong enough for me.
Usually on planes the tea and coffee is foul but this thread has made me think, maybe I'll ask for hot water next time I'm on a flight, it might make the drink more palatable.

I always carry a little pk of Cappachino in my bag and I would not think twice of asking for hot water if thats what I wanted if you don't ask you don't get colleen ..

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