Can someone tell me what it is? I'm trying to weigh cases at the moment but mum has the tickets and can't be contacted. Thomson say combined weight of hand and hold of 25kg but to check with the operator we booked with (portland) incase they're different.
Would have thought it was same rules considering it's the same company but wanted to check.
I have been with Portland and it was the same as Thomson unless you are on a last minute cheapie . Enjoy your hols!!!
I showed it to the check in girl, and she tutted and handed it her supervisor (the lad on the next check in) and after a while he nodded, and she arrogantly said "OK we'll let you off this time!"
If it weren't for the fact that my luggage would have been sent to the Southern Hemisphere somewhere I would have given the arrogant little

I wonder how many other travellers have been conned out of excess baggage charges and whether it's a little skam (mis-spelt to avoid censor) she has going , or an organised rip-off by the Company?
25kg how the hell did you get that.its 20kg case 5kgs hand bag,sanji is right check your i portland are cheaper than tui(same company by the way) your weight is much less.more like 15kg is not much for a two week the time you have got fags ect you will be over throw away anything like soap/sampoo/ect.fill your handbag up as well.and take a white pastic bag to airport with food and water in.don;t let them see it if poss.if they do ask to put all bags to weigh say the white one is food.but put a bottle at bottem of bag in a t have this habit of putting all your bags together..only take out enough stuff to last you your hairspary/aftershave/ can always ask someone for something if you run out on last day....thing is they dont ask how heavy you are?????? thats the next thing they will come up with..i never sit next to someone over weight--sorry saftey
djwoody wrote:thing is they dont ask how heavy you are?????? thats the next thing they will come up with..i never sit next to someone over weight--sorry saftey
I don't think thats really a very nice thing to say. Not everyone can be a skinny, light weight. It definitely doesn't make them any less entitled to travel on an aeroplane and be entitled to a holiday. Safety is not an issue. It doesn't make them any less capable in an emergency than the next person.
Fat people have feelings too.
It also warns you in the brochure that some flights are not operated by Thomsonfly and they only allow 15KGs.
The brochure also warns you that the allowance will be printed on the tickets so you should go by what it says on them.
i am not getting at overweight people at all.its just i have heard the companys may start charging for people who are over weight.i think it is bull that they should do this.some peoples cases are under and just cause yours is over by a few kgs they charge you.but i can see they point.just think if 250 people were say 20 stone or more?? as for Safety i feel better seating away from overweight people i mean those who just get in the seat and really should have two..
Is it because you think in a crash the fat person won't be able to get out of their seat in an emergency?
Just curious as I don't understand!!!
I find your posts slightly difficult to read as you don't seem to be able to use upper case letters!
What do you do if you get on the plane and find you are seated to an 'overweight' person - surely it is a little too late to change seats?
In an earlier post you seem to be suggesting filling your hand luggage with cigarettes and bottles. Do you not realise that there is currently a restriction on the amount of liquids that can be carried as hand luggage and that any liquids must be in a see through small zip lock bag and must be placed on the scanner belt separately. To try and hide anything in this current climate is foolish and you run the risk of not being able to fly - or worse.
if you will not sit next to a fat person for safety how do you feel about an elderly person as for safety reason's they would also hamper your exit from the plane then there are children who would probably also hamper your departure. the best option you would have is to hire a private plane and fly by yourself.
Or buy an extra seat for your parachute!!!
Now about fatflyers/kids/olderpeople.If i am not happy with who i get to sit next too.I move.Simple as that.I have paid my money.You should try it sometime.
Its not nice seating next to or behind rowdy kids.On a 4/5 fight.Ok 2 hours i can stick.When you fly the amount of times i do.I need to get they fresh.
Anyway back to the point.Keep your stuff down to the bearmin.I know its hard to work out at how many t shirts ect.But if you go to a place say 3/4 times.Leave somethings there.For nexttime.I have stuff in Ibiza/Zante/Palma Nova/Denmark/.Mainly the odd pair of shoes and a few heavy bits & bobs.
This is by just asking a bar/shop or Hotels.That i use when i go away.
Anyway if i have upset anyone with my veiws on travel.I am very sorry.You can slap me if you ever see me.
Hope you never get caught over weight at any Airport.I have only been over once---I went with a woman ( shoes/pots/knickers/ect...they all add up.
ok next time I'm by a fat person or a Granny or a screaming kid I'll just move to another seat!
All brits seem to do is keep to them selfs..Like look at him/her.GEtting the vip treatment.NO.Its cause he/or she has opened there mouth.
I get loads of stick in my jobs.End of the day you are paying my wages.If it means licking up to you.You are right no matter what you say.
Moved from Majorca to GHE and locked as this has now gone away from baggage allowance

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