Had such a great trip! Kept our destination a secret right to the Easyjet boarding gate!
We were there when the Catalan independence rally was taking place, on Tuesday. Very exciting being caught-up literally in the thick of it!
Saw and heard loads of Quaker parrots!
Also saw the Queen Mary 2 in the harbour.
Highly recommend the Hotel Denit as a base from which to explore the city. It's a three minute walk from the Plaza de Catalunya, where the Aerobus, tourist buses and city buses all stop. Perfect location.
We're going to go for a longer trip and with more of the family (this time was just my mum and I, next time Tasha and my sister also want to come) year after next. I'm almost certainly going to go for a couple of nights next June, on my own. It's the kind of city you feel perfectly comfortable visiting alone. I really did fall in love with the place