Had a great two weeks in Playa D'en Bossa....well a great 13 days, until the last night which totally took the shine off of our otherwise great holiday.
We took the bus from Playa D'en Bossa to Ibiza town on our last night, with the intention of having another meal at the superb Hotel La Ventana in the lovely Dalt Vila...
As we departed the packed solid bus in Ibiza town my husband suffered a robbery when his camera bag was stolen from his shoulder. All he felt was a young guy falling backwards into his chest as the bus braked suddenly as it pulled up outside the Bus ticket office.
He vaguely remembers feeling the strap on the bag sliding backwards, as the accomplice behind him slipped one of the metal hooks off of the camera case.
Do have to say that the Nacional Policia were fantastic, put our British Police to shame with their totally professional manner.
Happy to say my husband wasn't hurt, but his expensive camera and our precious holiday photos were lost along with various other expensive items and cash....
Will be going back to Ibiza in 2007 though, won't let a handful of Gypsies ruin our memories of a truly great holiday destination.
We had a similar experience in 2002 but never let it stop us going back to the Isla Blanca.Just taught us to be a bit more careful.
However the chances of you been involved in any crime on Ibiza is very small and very similar to the rest of the med resorts, I would even hazard a guess that its smaller than most city areas of the UK. Indeed I spent a year living there and have been on holiday several times and have never seen a crime.
LondonExile, I'm glad your taking a sensible and leveled approach and its good to hear that you had a good experience with the police (not always the case unfortunetly). I hope you enjoy your future holidays to the island!
Why does everybody think that crime on this island is all drug related. The fact is that in every place in the world where there is a high concentration of tourists there are going to be thieves who come to prey on them. There is no more crime here than any other holiday resort, certainly a lot less than in any British town regardless of the time of year.
I would also think that the majority of crime in Ibiza and other holiday resorts is caused by non Spanish and illegal residents
She did however tell us that we were the 17th victims of what was thought to be the same gang of Spanish Gypsies hitting the Buses in Ibiza Town on that day alone, and it was only 7.35pm....so they expected many more before the day was out.
The Gypsies were of Basque origin, and in fact on the crime sheet there were several options of boxes to tick to describe the race of the criminal.
These were European Caucasion, Latino, Arab, Black....and Gypsy.
She went on to tell us that 90% of the crime on the island happens during the main tourist season and 90% is carried out by Spanish and Eastern European Gypsies.
When we informed our holiday Rep the next morning of the crime he said we were one of Eight Brits staying in a Fiesta hotel that week alone that had been a victim of a robbery or pickpocket. One family had their bag snatched on the beach at Salides by an African, another had a piece of handluggage stolen as they got off their coach on arrival at Palm Beach by a spanish child....thought to be...yes, a Gypsy.
As I said, not drug related.
Why does everybody think that crime on this island is all drug related. The fact is that in every place in the world where there is a high concentration of tourists there are going to be thieves who come to prey on them. There is no more crime here than any other holiday resort, certainly a lot less than in any British town regardless of the time of year.
Nobody that I can see has said that "that crime on this island is all drug related," so if you are quoting me you are misrepresenting me. However a good proportion of crime committed by non-residents, probably more than any other resort in the med, crime committed on Ibiza is drug culture related, of that there is little doubt. Unfortunetly for the island, it does quite rightfully have the title of Europes Drug Capital. I know several very respectable residents of the island who believe that a scary level of workers are currently taking reactional drugs, San An been were it is most rife with estimations anywere between 10% and a scary 50% usership. Unfortunetly low wages, unpredicable income and accommodation, with little to no social structure are a big reason why some addicted users turn to crime.
Its intresting to hear about this "gypsy" problem that seems to be currently happening. I think I'll put a post on Balearic Jobs about it.
However despite all this, you are still very very unlikely to be involved in any crime on the island of Ibiza, and as I said before I would wager that the risk is lower than if you were out in a British town centre at night.
She went on to tell us that 90% of the crime on the island happens during the main tourist season and 90% is carried out by Spanish and Eastern European Gypsies.
All I would say to that is that I find that a very surprising fact and would love to see the figures to back it up.
i can vouch for the fact that reported crime incidents rise massively every summer and statistics issued by the security forces every year show this. as for the gypsy element, i personally doubt that they are responsible for such a high percentage - they'd have to thieve for 20 hours a day to achieve that figure and as most of them spend that long snoozing in the sun it seems unlikely...............
The robbers were without doubt Spanish, I can testify to that without any doubt, the only thing that made us feel they might be gypsies was the amount of heavy gold the females in the group were wearing. Half of the group hadn't paid to get on the bus and had entered the bus en route via the middle exit doors, we found this to be quite comical....before we were robbed.
The previous week we had made the trek to Es Cavellet beach and were warned to be very aware of Gypsies in the wooded areas between Salines and Es Cavellet, this tip came from the Spanish staff on our hotel reception desk. As it happened we never had any problems there, but did heed their warnings and took very little in the way of valuables during our day in Es Cavellet. There were indeed several areas in the woods with illegal campers in, but we thought these were mainly Africans.
We intend to spend the whole of July on the Island next year, so it won't deter us from returning, we will just have to be more aware next time and will certainly refrain from taking valuable cameras or MP3 players.
Unfortunetly for the island, it does quite rightfully have the title of Europes Drug Capital.
Sorry balearicjobs but that is just Daily Mail propaganda , if anywhere is the drugs capital of Europe it would have to be the UK - a country that has the highest rate of heroin addiction, the highest drug related crime rate and a place where you can easily buy drugs in any pub or street corner in just about any town at any time of the year.
I am getting really tired of all the knocking that Ibiza gets in the press about drugs and crime and you should know better than to contribute to the propaganda that the right wing press in Britain throws at it.
Sorry balearicjobs but that is just Daily Mail propaganda , if anywhere is the drugs capital of Europe it would have to be the UK - a country that has the highest rate of heroin addiction, the highest drug related crime rate and a place where you can easily buy drugs in any pub or street corner in just about any town at any time of the year.
I am getting really tired of all the knocking that Ibiza gets in the press about drugs and crime and you should know better than to contribute to the propaganda that the right wing press in Britain throws at it.
Lets just get on thing right, I love Ibiza, I use to live there, I've got many friends on Ibiza including lots of business owners, also my website has a membership of over 15,000 workers. The Daily Mail has nothing to do with it, Ibiza IS and has been since the 60's the drug capital of Europe. Frankly if you think anything different you've got your blinkers on, and be under no illusion I am one of those who are dead against drugs as I have had friends die on Ibiza because of them. The drug problem in the UK is also very large but on a population verus users bases, its not even in the same ball park to Ibiza. This is largely down to young clubbers, mainly British and Spanish, as well as the links to North Africa and the lax border control and relaxed police and public attitude which in combination with the legendary nightlife, is a cocktail that drug users find very appealling, which is unfortunte for the island, however Ibiza has always had a drug under world that if you are not involved you are extremley unlikely to see, there is a sort of acceptance of that by all involved in Ibiza, however like the recent shootings prove even on Ibiza it does occasionally spill out into public vision.
OK, keep it friendly or this topic may have to be locked.
However, like I encourage people on Balearic Jobs to keep it friendly, I will do the same here on Holidaytruths.

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