I've got to agree with Steve.
I personally have no problem being scanned or the technology behind the back scatter imaging because I didn't leave it to either some self appointed journalist who has suddenly become an expert and a puppet of the media or the lying pillars of society of those in government, so I did my own research and know that it's not like the conventional x-rays that pass through the organs.
However, I wasn't too alert at 5 am and I wasn't expecting it because we used MAN T1 and I thought Terminal 2 was trying this technology out, and as I walked through the glass door as directed by the illuminated green arrows, the "unit" was there in my face and a matter of a few paces away from the other side of the door.
So, did I get a choice.? IMO No not really because you had to walk through the plates or have your wits about you and be prepared to kick up a big fuss and authority doesn't like being challenged, I recently tried expressing an opinion with HMR&C and the officer came down on me like a ton of bricks, and I had my wrists slapped straight away.
Apologies if I've mentioned this before, but the system is still not secure even with all this technology because my hubby boarded the Monarch flight without being scanned by anyone or anything and I think I know how he did it.
When he walked through the glass door next to mine, instead of walking forward the few paces and passing through the "plates" because there was no airport personnel on the other side of the unit to tell him to stop, face one of the plates and do a double salute, he avoided the unit by taking a few steps to the left and walked by the side of the belt for the hand luggage screening.
He wasn't trying to avoid it, he wasn't aware that it was there and his instinct was to go and collect the hand luggage as it came out the other side of the scanner.
Would that happen again? It's probably one in a million chance of that ever happening again, but it's fact that it did and I don't tell porky pies, and I can only surmise that at 5 am the airport didn't have enough staff on duty stood the other side of the unit to direct him forward instead of him being able to veer off to the left.
Now I know he's no terrorist, but I bet those other passengers who don't know him from Adam would be non-too pleased if they knew.