I live up the road from the Villa Tagoro Appts.
there is no work outside the front of the complex. Apart from 2 men placing kerb stones all along the edge of the path opposite. They started in Jan at the top of the hill and are slooooooowly working their way down the hill. they have not reached the Villa Togoro yet. The only machinery they have is a small cement mixer. This wont bother you at all.
the only other place i can think of is behind the complex a little further down the hill, next to the motorway is the cinema they have been building for the last 3 years!. The structure is up and the only disturbance i have seen is the odd crane arriving to hoist stuff up on to it's roof. There is no noise from the site and it wont disturb you.
Tell me what the letter says and if there is a location I'll investigate for you over the weekend.
It's to do with the cinema . They say it's 90 metres from the property and can be seen from about 30% of the rooms . There has been some noise disturbance to these rooms however no other parts are affected . No dust levels have been reported anywhere .The work is sceened by a metal fence . Tools in use are a concrete mixer , hand held tools and a ride on digger . Work hours are 0600 - 1700 mon - fri & 0600 - 1400 sat . Its due to be completed by June .

You don't know how happy your reply has made me. More about that later. First your questions...
OK, I'll trot into the grounds of the Tagoro (or I'll ask Mrs Makum to if i go back to work this week) and take a look. From the road side and motorway slip road there never ever seems to be anything happening. No noise no workmen, nout!
For years I have been trying to find out when the cinema will be finished as it said it will show English lang films and I'm starved of going to the flicks since moving out here, so you letter has made at least one person happy. I'm sure Apollo will appreciate it to (another HT member who's a resident).
I wouldn't worry too much i cant see anything to give you an "Ells Bells" holiday experience, but as i said I'll get me best tourist toggs on and have a walk around the complex for you.
Thanks Makum 110 your a star . Look forward to the results of your investigation .

Because the area is on a steep-ish hill you cant see the cinema from the rear of the complex grounds as its down hill to the Cinema. There is a wall and small road between the two. At 4:30 there was no noise or dust etc. the only thing i can think of is room views may be in vision of the cinema.
In my opinion i don't think its going to distract from a nice holiday as the heavy building work is done and all there seems left to do externally is landscape the surrounding areas to the building, so possible the smell of tar may be present.
By the way... When your waiting outside with your cases for your coach to take you back to the airport look out for a mad man in a white Astra shouting "TARA!" out his car window. I do it every Friday on my way to and from work! hehehe *sorry cant resist*
What can I say but thank you very much makum110 you've helped us make our minds up . Lets hope the weathers going to be good . We'll keep a look out for the white astra !
Any updates makum110 , we'll be there next week
Still no problems as far as i can see.
Hope you're feeling better Makum - take it easy up that hill!
Thanks makum110 , one day to go . What's the weather going to be like ?

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