Is it just me !
Sometimes as Iv'e been hanging on, in the middle of an overpacked bus, Iv'e suddenly felt very embarrassed , and thought why am I doing this. The locals know I could afford a taxi or tuk-tuk, yet here I am taking up space that could be filled by a local who can't.
x lassi
Perhaps if more of us caught the buses it may get rid of the Goan idea, that all tourists are rich. They don't seem to realise that most of us spend the whole year saving, just to spend a couple of weeks on a holiday, The taxi and tuk tuk drivers are getting so greedy that they dont even bother to chase after you, if you say that there fare is to high, they look at you as if to say, "well I an not moving my taxi, tuk tuk for any less than that, someone gullible enough will soon come past to take it at that price".
When I first went to Goa, I thought that there was no way you would get me on one of those buses, I would rather walk first. Now I find it such a laugh, you have no idea who or what, you will be standing or sitting next too. They are reliable it is not like our country where you spend hours waiting for a bus, then along comes 3, I have never had to wait longer than 5minutes for a bus, and they are
there is always room for a couple of more people, I aboslutly refuse to pay the prices that the Candolim drivers are charging, and why is it that it always costs more to get from Candolim to Calangute, Mapusa or Panjim, than what it does using a local driver from Panjim, Mapusa or Calangute, TO GET BACK TO CANDOLIM.
I wonder if they give bus passes over there?