Initially i thought 'what have i done!' but now I am more relaxed about it all. Yes, we like lively things to do but I also like peace and quiet. I offered the kids the choice of all inclusive or an apartment that was comfortable. Last year we went to Los Alcazares (wouldn't recommend) and that was really very very quiet but we were a goo distance from the beach also. We later went all incusive to majorca. so the kids had an idea of what both were like. They opted for a comfortable apartment. My 3 cirtiera were washing machine (!) 2 bedrooms and satelitte TV. I dont mind travelling on a bus at all. Infact as my daughter is 15 I'm glad that if she wants to go for a walk then I wont worry so much. I've never been to Benidorm before so no idea what to expect. we are going on the 4th to the 14th July, catherine thanks for your offer, looks like I'll miss you by a couple of weeks. Pity!!!
I'm actually searchingfor exactly how far away from the beach we are, an earlier thread says it is further than the 500 m stated.
Never mind !
Are there many supermarkets etc or will I have to carry it far?
I found Los Alcarzares to be very few and far between (20 min walk)
love to you all
