PETROL : Yes it is much cheaper than here; basically what we pay in pence per litre they pay in cents per litre. However the strange thing (to my eyes) was how rapidly the prices fluctuate! Gas can be 85.5c at 8am, 100.9c at 12.30 and down to 92.7c by 5pm -and all at the same filling station! It's all down to "market forces" - and prices will rise at the start and end of holiday weekends.
DRIVING: I wasn't aware they've gone fully metric, so distances and speeds are all in kilometres - must be confusing for the Americans who corss the border!
You will sometimes on the freeway see a sign which looks exactly like the Renault chevron. This is usually over the outside lane, and indicates a "high occupancy" lane. Normally this means two or more people in the vehicle ( so buses automatically qualify) but motorcycles are also permitted in the HOV lane. In places the HOV however is for 3 or more occupants.
MOBILE PHONES: Like the USA mobiles operate on a different frequency so you will need a "tri-band" mobile to make calls there.Your UK operator should have a reciprocal arrangement with one of the Canadian operators, like Rogers Wireless.
Oh and finally one lovely little story! They were subdividing one of the provinces for administrative reasons and like good democrats, they asked the people there what the new area should be named.
Two names emerged as the hot favourites: the one it ended up being called (something like "Nantuk" - an Iniut name) - but the other name which ran it a very close second, was;