i booked a 7 day holiday to zante with kosmar 2 months ago. the original flight times i was given upon paying my deposit (at the time) are as follows.
outbound 03/jul/05 departure time 0600 arival time 1110
return 10/jul/05 depature time 2105 arrival time 2215
these were the times which i, when paying the deposit, had agreed upon .
these times have now been changed to the following
departure 0650 arivall 1210
and on the return 1310 arriavl (uk time) 1440
now according to my maths this is a reduction in time in resort of 9 hours. which is an entire afternoon.
under my understanding of the trading standards legislation (and corect me if i am wrong) they are unable to deliver the contracted holiday and are offering a sub standard replacment in service with no written agreement or offer of compensation.
is what kosmar is doing legal and also am i entitled to claim any com pensation
i have been offered the option of an alternate airport ( birmingham or london) which is to my mind unaceptable as i live in south devon and it would result in excess travelleling to the airport, fuel charges and parking costs ( with bristol i can get dropped by family members to save money)
can anyone offer me advise on what i can do i willb e going to my local travel agent to discuss this more on monday./
I am sure you will find in small print that flight times are not final and are subject to change.
Kath HT Admin
i have cheaked them and ( iam quoting there booklet which states " we reserve teh right to change airline operator and aircraft at any time" it does not in any way shape or form say that it is reserving the right to alter the flight times.
Long story but last May Kosmar did the same to a party of us travelling to Rhodes. We actually lost a day of our holiday. We made a fuss but couldn't cancel and they gave us £15. I would NEVER trust them again.
thank you for that information. i have just done the math and it does work out to 5 1/2 days out of a 7 night holiday. now how 7 nights in 5 days is possible i dont know any advise please
Normally with charter airlines you do depart on the incoming plane - for instance if the incoming flight arrrived at 1400 hours normally you would be departing approx. 1 hour later.
Kosmar do have a bit of a reputation for changing flights - we have experienced it - that is the problem with a tour operator that does not have it's own airline.
yes youa re correct it is 6 days in country not in resort. where as i would hav had 6 and a half days in resort
Your outbound flight has not changed by much at all. Your return flight is roughly 8 hours earlier.
There's nothing much in my opinion that you can do. The flight, being less than 12 hours is not a significant change. You have also been offered alternative airports, which isn't, for you convenient.
If I was you I would think of the positives. You will need to vacate your accommodation roughly 12 mid day on day of departure. If you had your original flight time this would mean you would be hanging around with your luggage/without accommadation facilities, until you were picked up for the airport. Therefore you needed to be at the airport for 20.15 with transfer from resort say.....2 hours travel (don't know which resort you are staying in Zante so cannot gauge transfer time). So, say pick up 6pm that would be 6 hours out of your room.
On a positive note, as the flights stand, you can keep your room until you depart for the airport.
Legally I don't think you have any recompense.
the same thing has just happened to me, my return was booked for 3.30pm lovely time and they have moved it to 6.am horrid flight time, means getting to airport 4.00am and getting up in the middle of the night which i would not have gone for if at the time of booking i was offered this, my outbound flight hasnt changed at all.i am also losing around 9 hours of my holiday and i cant do anything about it, they have also changed my flight company and my hotel so i think compared to me youre not in as bad a situation im in, it seems they can do what they like and its totally unfair
according to there terms and conditions changing a flight from evening to daytime IS a majour change
also i have not been offered in my mind an aceptable change in airports. as it will incrase the ammount of tiem off i will need to take (costing me holiday time) and icnreasing my travleing costs which i had already calcuated into my budgeting.
i am a student at uni so such things have hd to be worked out very carefuly
elle, can i ask where you are going and when at is it with kosmar
Why do you honestly think you deserve any compensation when you are still getting the full 7 nights at your accomodation?
Just enjoy your holiday!!
no my holiday is not with your company ,but i was just saying im in a lot worse position than you are, your flights have been changed but still to a decent flight time, mine have gone from 3.30pm to 6am now, having to get up about 2-3am absolutely horrid, my flight has been changed from thomas cook to an unknown turkish airline that even the travel agent didnt know and had to ring me back about it, and now they have told me my hotel is not available and i have to change, so the holiday i booked is totally not what im getting or paid for, so therefore compared to me i think that its not so bad for you although its still annoying none the less, when i look at it im not getting 7 full nights accommodation either, cos having to get up at 2-3am is it worth going to bed, so im only getting 6 nights and 2 hours if im lucky
well fir a start i would always pay the supliment to ensure that i was able to keep the room. i may have limited finances bu i always ensure that is possible. i am not saying i want compensation i am asking wheather this is legal as to my mind they have altered a contracted service which they have entered into with me with no recoirse. if it was a shorter ammount of time then i wouldnt mind at all. i want to know what action io can take other than just speaking to the travel agent/kosmar
Crikey it's not like you are getting less nights in resort, so I dont know what your problem is!! Tis the problem with the compensation culture in this country!!
Can I just ask you whether you would have booked the holiday at the new flight times?
If I am not mistaken don't flights have to be changed by 12 hours to be classed as a 'major change' or changed from a daytime flight to a night flight - although I am not sure after what time a flight is classed as 'night' maybe midnight?
As previously stated you are getting 7 full nights in resort and a good 6 1/2 days - Zante is not that huge so it won't take you long to get from the airport to your resort.

ive just been told by abta that a weeks holiday made short by around 9 hours would most likely get compensation and in his eyes counts as a major change, its normally 12 hours for a 2 week holiday,so going to look into it for my holiday problems, give abta a ring see if they say the same to you, number is 0207 6372444
also i have phoned kosmar direct and they have told me that htere are no other flights avlible at all on those dates.
the exact problem isnt just the lfigh time. i would be leaving rsort at 10 am not 7 pm which is a whole day (in terms of lying aroun doing not much in the sun) also i get into resort at approximatly 4 pm not 2.30 pm ish so i am actualy losing more and more time as things get added on, (these were times given to me by kosmar must say te bloke i spke to was helpful)
my options are
1) to put up and shut up (as described by abta but not in those words)
2) to cancel and incutr the wrath of the other half and possibly lose my deposit (which i cant aford)
3) to increase the holiday from one week to 2 which is what i will probably end up doing and costing me much more in not only accomodatiopn but also in food costs (b and b only)
i actualy booked the holiday becasue of the flight times, i prefer night flights as i get a full last day in resort so i can do a bit of last minute shopping in peace, and can go on a trip if i so wish.
also i can pack in the mid afternoon or ealy evening after towle etc have dried. and i can have a proper meal before i leave the resort at a resturant. i can never stomach airline food and in general have a relaxing time befor i have to leave. leaivng the hotel at 1030 am would mean that i get little or no time to go shopping etc to use up excess currency ( i know its euros but its a standard thing for me) i would only get breakfast and whilst not knowing what the food is like there is not normaly a meal i eat at all. also all packing would have to be done the night before resulting in a ruined last evening as well.
all in all it os affect my holiday from a larger degree than numbers would sujjest. many thanks to elle who has been a help whilst having a much rawer deal than myself.
persons saying that "its not as bad as what i put up with" are to be frank not helpfull i don see why anyone should put up with any unavoidable alteration to any holiday so such comments from my mind are not constructive.

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