I do think that folks who haven't used the "view new posts" feature might see the benefit if they see the posts on the main page. So its worth keeping there till Phil gets back.
Mmm, there's 10 recent posts showing, but in the 'view new posts' section, there's 31 posts.
Some members might think those 10 are the only ones, so it may not be helpful at all.
I get your point Sanji- but it does say recent topics rather than new. I'm trying to see it from the point of view of someone who doesnt use or know about the view new topics. Neither of us need it, but perhaps others will find it handy. Who knows?
Just realised that you see the recent topics on the main page without having to log in
There are many members who are not interested one iota about the majority forums, they are automatically drawn to a forum or a couple of forums they are interested in, so, they want to get access to those forums easily and quickly, and they want be able to see a clear marker indicating a new post or an active post which they may participate towards...it's getting a bloody long way down to scroll before you get to the bottom of the page, and I'm thinking that they may look at the 10 recent posts (without realising they are recent posts and not new posts) and if there's nothing in those 10 posts to interest them, they'll just log out.

It really tickled me.

Have a nice Holiday Phil, it's good to see you trying new things to try and comply with the requests you have had and I guess if they don't work you can always return it to how it was.

Sanji wrote:I know we want new members, but we must not lose sight of the members we already have.
On the same note, the members we already have, need to accept we have/are making changes that they may not like. Unfortunately this is evolution. Many of the regular users have been members for at least 3 years. Sadly there aren't many, if any, regular posting members that have joined the site in the last few years. We are simply trying to address this, however we are getting slowed down by the endless nit picking and general negativity that is being posted. We are trying to address your issues, some of them just require some work arounds, others will simply not be actioned for technical issues.
The site had more technical issues than even we would could foresee when we took it on, many of these problems are search engine related and despite the fixes being put in place, it may take upto 12 months for them to be picked up be the likes of Google.
We don't sit around scratching our arses all day thinking of ways to piss you all off, we are doing our best to give you everything you have asked for. We are just limited by time.
Phil and I would appreciate a little more respect from a few of you, we won't tolerate the rudeness for much longer - you know who you are. For those of you that have given us your support thus far, we are very grateful and we will continue to work towards developing the site that you would like.
I don't see anybody being rude on here - simply people giving their opinions ! Not our fault of you don't like those opinions!

On the forum home page the latest 10 posts are shown

Undetectable to the untrained eye lol
Cheers, Phil

On the same note, the members we already have, need to accept we have/are making changes that they may not like. Unfortunately this is evolution. Many of the regular users have been members for at least 3 years. Sadly there aren't many, if any, regular posting members that have joined the site in the last few years. We are simply trying to address this, however we are getting slowed down by the endless nit picking and general negativity that is being posted. We are trying to address your issues, some of them just require some work arounds, others will simply not be actioned for technical issues.
I have been a loyal member here since 2004, and whilst I appreciate things have to progress. I was trying to look at the recent changes (both as an old member and a new member) and having posted my opinion, I get the feeling that it has been interpreted as being objectionable because I don't want to go forward.
The well being of HT has always been my priority and if changes were made in the past that I didn't like, if it was for the good of the forum, then I would keep my gob shut and suffer it, and I'm intelligent enough to realise that if the majority like something, then I'm in no position to protest.
But, if someone wants my opinion, then I'll gladly give it, and I would hope that they would take onboard all constructive replies whether they are favourable or not.
Any forum is only as good as its members and every forum needs a backbone of members. At this moment in time, I regard myself as being a small part of that backbone.
Contrary to what many would like to believe, Van did make several changes over the years and HT didn't stand stagnant for the eight years I've been around. The changes weren't as drastic as we have now, and some members liked the changes, others didn't.
I loved the new Media Galleries because I sat here and I could see the potential it had for photos, blogs and videos, if in hindsight it had been managed differently, and just to put that in context, I personally was prepared to move forward and I uploaded approx 80 of the videos I had made exclusively for this site - others wanted the old photo gallery back because they found nativigating and uploading photos easier in the old format.
So, no you won't please all the people all the time and I wouldn't expect you to put up with the nit-picking and the schoolyard gang mentality for much longer.,,and yes, they know who they are.
I'd like to make the point that I call a spade a spade and I'm not in anybody's gang, nor would I want to be, so my negativity wasn't related in any way to those whom you refer to.
Thanks for your support Jim!
i am still trying to work out if that was a sarcastic response or a genuine thank you

that is the problem when you just look at the written word.
i do note though that you did pick up and correct the issue i reported.
i am another old hand on here, who tries to provide positive help for others both by replying on the forums and completing reviews. when i am asked for my opinion on things i tend to give it, warts and all.
i have supported you on here and have tried to genuinely contibute to help the site go forward. i have even gone out on a limb to defend you on other sites.
i was always told that if you did not want or may not like an answer, then don't ask the question.
i am happy that the site has been saved, and am happy that you seem to be getting to grips with all the changes you have to make and can see that if it is not progressing quickly enough to climb the google rankings it will cost (or not make) you money and this can be frustrating as it will screw up your business plan.
this is not our fault. i think most of the members on here are just grateful that the site is still here and think that by replying to your questions that they are giving you helpful feedback. for the most part these are not nit-picking or intended as negative, but genuine responses to issues that affect them. you ask us to report problems, so we do.
one thing that i have learned over the years is that in dealing with change the most important fact to ensure buy-in by those who will be affected is communication. if people are kept informed it achieves 2 purposes; it stops them constantly asking questions and they feel part of the change. this is one reason that large employers have in-house magazines, dedicated in-house intranet pages etc, so they can provide the communication to facilitate change.
We are trying to address your issues, some of them just require some work arounds, others will simply not be actioned for technical issues.
if you were to provide short, regular updates of what is happening with issues that have been raised, even if it is to say that you have rejected the requests for technical reasons, it will give members more of a feel of being part of of HT. this could be done in the forum announcement section as not all these type of posts would need/warrant replies
i think that almost all of the old members on here, myself included, want you to succeed with HT and take it forward, but some of your communications do appear to show a lack of the respect to which you feel entitled. respect is earned by actions, not something that anyone has a right to.
to finish on a more positive note, i do think that the introduction of the blog is a great idea, where topics related to holidays in general can be highlighted to members and provide valuable information.
this could/should be expanded to become a major part of the site as it has the potential to fill a gap in the market where information on eg making complaints, legal issues, links to weather in resorts could all be found under one roof.
I agree about the blog. I have already suggested that they start a discussion thread linked to each blog.I think it gets a bit lost to many people as it is.
Your suggestion should have been actioned. I'll ask Ed.
Re the blog, the plan was always to have you guys writing articles. For example, if you visit the same resort each year what attractions/points of interest do you take in, tips on ways to pack. That sort of thing. Thoughts?

I'm sure there are many "experts" out there. I don't often revisit a resort hotel so wouldn't be able to do one. I can think of several folks though

Sanji wrote:I know we want new members, but we must not lose sight of the members we already have.
There are many members who are not interested one iota about the majority forums, they are automatically drawn to a forum or a couple of forums they are interested in, so, they want to get access to those forums easily and quickly, and they want be able to see a clear marker indicating a new post or an active post which they may participate towards...it's getting a bloody long way down to scroll before you get to the bottom of the page, and I'm thinking that they may look at the 10 recent posts (without realising they are recent posts and not new posts) and if there's nothing in those 10 posts to interest them, they'll just log out.
this is without doubt what I've said from the start..easy viewing..this is what I'm on about...not just for me..FOR ALL !!
how others cant see what are on about Sanji is amazing !!
or even more amazing PHIL and CHRIS don't get it.
I want to go straight to what interests me.
one totally different colour...NEW POSTS in index page...and page inside that.
example; computer problems...red or whatever...click on it..and new posts in "computer section" are also red..done, easy!!!!!
We 'do get it', and as I have stated on another thread, we are going to reintroduce something similar to the sun icon from the old forum - people seem happy with this. However, as always we can only do one thing at a time and the change mentioned should happen towards the end of the month.
I wish thing were as 'easy' as you all seem to think they are!

look how easy it is to see "Glynis HT Admin" , "Phil" on the index page...in red !!!
clearly noticeable at first glance as all NEW POST should be.
Do you mean the little "Orangey" icons at the start of the topic titles im the recent topics the top?
Ifso then yup I added them bak last night. That better for you?
If so I'll try and add to the rest of the site


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