Not sure if anyone is interested but just had an email from a friend of mine who is a travel agent in Goa to say she has bought in a block booking of seats with kingfisher, nice flight times too, see cost £400 per person!!!!!!! a bit of a steal!!!!! plse let me know if you are interested and i will give you her details....dont expect they will be around for long!!!
Flight Departs : 15th Jan 2010
Departure time from Heathrow:20:15hrs
Arrival into mumbai: 16th Jan 2010 at 11:00 hrs
Connect to Goa flight at 1250hrs
Arrival Goa: 13:50hrs on 16th Jan 2010
Departure Goa on 30th Jan 2010
Time:0630am Arrival Mumbai 07:30
Depart Mumbai 12:20hrs
Arrival Heathrow17:55hrs.