and any potentially abusive holiday-makers
I honestly can't see how spots that started yesterday will be totally crusted over and DRY before next week - my little boy was still getting fresh spots 3 days after the first ones appeared.
Until the last spot is crusted over and dry it is still contagious. Great for your doc togive you a letter NOW but how the heck does he know that the last spot will be crusted over and dry by the time you fly in a weeks time? Sounds to me like he/she has been grossly irresponsible here.
It's not just about how uncomfortable the little one is and is going to be subjected to intense heat but there's also the risks you put others thru' - chicken pox is dangerous to unborn babies, the elderly, those with low immune systems and quite frankly if I was in one of those groups I might be tempted to get abusive myself.
You may well find that she won't be welcome in kids clubs - if she's with someone at the start of their holiday you might be putting someone else thru' un-necessary suffering at the end of their holiday.
Honestly - is it worth it? I know we all want our holidays and look forward to them and I can understand the disappointment having to cancel so late in the day but I really would urge you to think twice.
Sorry if this sounds a bit sharp but I honestly for the life of me cannot understand why anyone would knowingly take a child with chickenpox on holiday to a hot and sunny climate.