The point about the Chinese shops is...that when you`ve seen one then you have seen them all, and it is quite obvious that one supplier is infiltrating the resort with the same goods...ever heard of the mafioso.?
Whilst this thread is about Benidorm, I could go off "on one" about the Asians/Indians and their electrical shops on the Canary Islands and the rip off scumbags that the majority of them seem to be, although I`m positive that the members/lovers of Tenerife would tell me not to paint everyone with the same brush, well from my own experience and listening to the tales of woe from holiday makers, that for every 3 genuine/honest traders there are 30 crooks....but I can remember the Canary Islands before they took over the resorts.
Getting back to the Chinese shops in is nothing but cheap tacky cr@p that you can find in a £ shop in the UK and I could never envisage another race selling such cr@p.
As far as the British bars are concerned
some are providing a service to the holidaymaker, but when they take over a resort then I would kick them out as well, and believe me I would kick some of them out of Benidorm and other resorts tomorrow.
The only time you would ever see me in a British bar is if I was desperately needing the toilet and I was at the point of platting my legs.
The "talk of the coast" was the last club I went in and if I wasn`t a big queen fan, then I wouldn`t have stepped inside there either, but this is MY choice and I have to accept that what I like/dislike others may not...this does not make me a better/worse person than them, because we all pay the same money and their/your money is as good as mine.
I have taken an interest in Spain for quite a few years now, I have tried to learn the language, I have Spanish friends, I read Spanish papers on-line, I learn about the WHOLE country, I briefly watch Spanish TV and I constantly listen to Spanish music,...I couldn`t tell you who is in the English charts if you asked me, either singles or albums.
When you have Spanish friends then you get to hear the other side of the coin, things like the sh*t wages they get, the long unsociable hours they work, the house prices (thanks to mainly the British) that they cannot and NEVER will be able to afford now...the immigrants who will work for a pittance because they don`t get the giro through the door every week and they force unskilled Spanish people out of work, with a landlord still wanting the rent.
Spanish shopkeepers who cannot cope or compete within a resort when the Chinese or the Asians and their financial backers move in, and the British selling pie and chips for a few Euros.
British people who pay extortionate prices for houses like shoeboxes and set up their own communities, never integrating or learning the Spanish language, but yet will moan about the Asians setting up their communities within the UK.
And the sad thing is... that without the tourists then some of them would step back 40 years into the Franco days where they were indeed peasants.
I`m gonna shut up, cos you (I hope innocently) have opened a can of worms with me.
Besos xxx