Are you still allowed to smoke in Greece? Going to halkidiki next week. Smoke free england is doing my head in!! Also is it still easy to buy cigarettes and what are prices like?
Went to Spain last year and not only was smoking banned in the hotel but cigarettes could only be bought from a few limited shops.
Any advice please?
Yours truly an addict
Regards from a fellow addict. Cough, cough.
Not everyone wants to be smoked out and the best thing that has happened in England has been a ban on smoking and as I am an ex-smoker know the dangers of smoking so my advice is give up. I did it with a drug called Zyban best thing I ever did.
New drug called Champix supposed to be better still!
Many people including me find it offensive to be smoked all over in restaurants. Hopefully one day Greece will have the smoking ban too.
Forgot to say Kefalonia airport is all no smoking - Hurray!!!!
The question was can you smoke in Greece? I dont think they wanted your health advise? nor really do I its about holiday advise so please keep your personal opinions to yourself.
OOOOOO get you!!!!!!!! Obviously your a smoker (an angry one at that)
have been to several destinations around the Hellenic Republic in the last couple of years, hotel dining rooms and receptions are usually no smoking, some hotels do no smoking rooms/apartments, most of the traditional bars/tavern's have been mixed [separate area's] or smoking,
if you have seen traditional bars you can hardly find a non smoking Greek,

went to Costa Dorado last year for a quick week and the bars were allowed to go either smoking or non smoking but had to display the appropriate notice, on our fist night we found 2 non smoking and over 30 smoking,
No I am not a smoker ex like yourself but don't preach. im just pointing out that the question was can you smoke in Greece, it was not asking for your opinion as to whether it should be allowed or not.
As to the question asked yes smoking is allowed in Greece although in airports you have to smoke in designated areas.
Also don't be surprised if the waiter lights up between serving tables
Be very wary of trying to tell a Greek about English smoking laws you will be politely reminded that you are in Greece and they don't care much for our laws
And don't forget if you don't like the smoke many tables are set outside
Hope that helps? if you have any questions please feel free to ask.
kmann - at kefalonia airport there is a smoking area ( well there was in october)
Smoking is still very much the norm in Greece and you need to find a taverna table upwind if you dont want your meal spoilt.
You obviously can not read? and I don't know why you have involved yourself?
Please do not have a personal attack on me you don't even know me? however if you would like to carry on this conversation I would be very pleased to meet you in person

Do you want your Dummy back? No you dont need it because you have a fag on a the mo.
Anyone who is a smoker and is desperate to quit may be pleased to here how other people have managed it and how they did it
We have been going to Greece for a number of years now and I have never seen a waiter light up perhaps you go to the wrong places!!!
Thus is a light hearted informative website where people are amongst friends you are clearly on here to cause offense your last e-mail to another person was offensive if you cant say anything nice leave us to chat in a civilised manner-moderator I hope your watching these guys!!!
Thats enough now I will lock this topic, this is not the exchange of view we expect of our members,, if they want to smoke it's their choice, if you dont like smoking then that is your choice, what people do and enjoy is a question of EACH TO HIS/HERS OWN and be polite enough to respect everyones personal view

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