Can you imagine people's faces if you did that.
All this talk of what to wear on the plane is making me so excited only 8 weeks to go....

last year i wore some very light and airy thin tracksuit bottoms and a tshirt with a jumper, this year im wearing some more tracksuit bottoms kind of like jogging bottoms a strappy top and a jacket

I went out this weekend and got my plane clothes- loose fitting linen trousers and linen vest top. Will wear a fleece or cardi on the plane and can discard when we land.

I always make the mistake of wearing clothes that crease very easy espicially round the tummy and thighs ..... he eh

Must agree with everyone else that first breath of hot air is priceless!
Happy Holidays All
I'll probably wear calf-length gypsy skirt, strappy vest, zip up top and flip-flops.
same here, i always wear 3/4 bottoms with t.shirt light weight jacket and trainers, when i get off the plane just tie the jacket around my waist.
Me too, 3/4 bottoms a vest top and zip up hoodie, then i tie it round my waist when i get there, it's better than suffing it in a bag as that make your bag heavier... not good when it's hot ! oh and ever thought about ankle warmers? great on the plane for keeping the chill away and they don't leave sock marks!

just bought myself some 3/4 jogging bottoms but they are white and i'm now thinking maybe that wasn't such a good idea?!?!?
exactly what i'm thinking especially with an 8 year old in tow - might just send them back and get the black pair
i always wear trainers on the flight cos it doesn't take up as much room in your case!! maybe a knee length skirt and vest top. plus also a hoody of zip up top as we are flying in the wxit seats and it is always a lot colder there!!
I've just bought my travelling clothes, and for the very first time since I had my kids (and we're talking 13 years here) I bought trousers in a size 12!!!!!!
Same here, thin tracky bottoms, strappy top, and a hoodie, my feet get cold on the plane so i wear my trainers but then they get so hot when we arrive! The kids and hubby wear light weight trousers, t-shirts and a jacket, Its a pitty we cant get little HV stickers then when going on holiday we could stick one on our t-shirt , then we could wave at fellow HV's karen
stickers for suitcases a better idea dont ya think

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